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Boy Scouts of America recycles Christmas trees to create fish habitats
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Boy Scouts of America recycles Christmas trees to create fish habitats

Volunteers prepare trees for pick up on the shore of Saguaro Lake. The trees will become fish habitat in the reservoir.
Volunteers prepare trees for pick up on the shore of Saguaro Lake. The trees will become fish habitat in the reservoir.

On Saturday morning, the Arizona Game and Fish Department joined forces with Boy Scouts and volunteers to drop off discarded Christmas trees in Saguaro Lake. It is located about 45 minutes east from Phoenix. These trees were not the end of their journey. It’s a chance to live a second life.

The trees will provide much-needed habitat for fish in the reservoir.

On the overcast day, 50 volunteers volunteered to load hundreds of trees onto a boat equipped with underwater sonar. Participants who volunteered last year said that the moderate weather was responsible for the large turnout.

Six locations on the lake’s floor were suitable for the trees to fall. The trees were anchored to the lake bottom by cement cinder blocks.

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