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Letter: Sen. Messmer. Hold a hearing on an environmental bill
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Letter: Sen. Messmer. Hold a hearing on an environmental bill

The Honorable Mark Messmer
200 W. Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2785

Dear Senator Messmer,

We are a group of community organizations from your district, including your new district for the election of 2022. Our common mission is to improve the lives and the environment of our members.
Hoosiers in southwestern Indiana We care about the well-being of our environment and ourselves.
Futures for our communities. We urge you to hold a hearing before the Environmental Affairs Committee on Senate Bill 255 in order to create a Climate and Environmental Justice Task Force.

Poor air quality has always been a major problem for Hoosiers from southwestern Indiana. With climate change becoming a greater threat to our public health, we have become more concerned about our public health. Purdue University research has shown that southern Indiana will be particularly affected by climate change in the coming decades, especially when it comes to extreme heat.

We are for an Indiana where health and well-being can be protected. We are for Indiana that preserves the beauty of nature. We are for an Indiana that can be passed on to future generations. SB 255 will enable our state government work towards these goals by creating a plan to adapt and mitigate climate change in Indiana. We urge you to hold a hearing on SB 255.

We are grateful for your time and for your public service in southwestern Indiana.


Citizens for Quality of Life of Southwestern Indiana are citizens from Dale and the surrounding counties who have a deep connection with their families, a respect for the environment, a love for family and a pride in the communities in which they live and work.

Sisters of St. Benedict, Indiana, monastic women who seek God through the
Benedictine tradition of community living, prayer, hospitality and service to others.

Saint Meinrad Archabbey is a community of Catholic and Benedictine monks located in Spencer County.
Pray, work, and live together. Since 1854, Indiana has been served by the Saint Meinrad Archabbey.

Project ACORN, which makes use of the talents of Dubois County residents to provide learning opportunities and support youth and amateurs all ages in the area of music, art and environment.

Valley Watch is a grassroots organization that has been active for decades in protecting the environment and public health of the lower Ohio Valley.

The Evansville Audubon Society (an affiliate of the National Audubon Society) is located in Evansville. The EAS has been an a
Over 50 years, southwestern Indiana’s leading voice for conservation.

Tri-State Creation Care, a multifaith organization that promotes responsible stewardship of our planet.

League of Women Voters of Southwestern Indiana – A nonpartisan political organization
Encourage informed and active participation at all levels of government.

Citizens Climate Lobby Evansville Chapter is an organization that has members in District 48.
This exists to educate both the community and legislators on climate change.

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