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Opinion: Mining lithium at Thacker pass is essential to combat climate change
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Opinion: Mining lithium at Thacker pass is essential to combat climate change

Thomas R. Benson


Thomas R. Benson

Thomas R. Benson

This opinion column was submitted by Dr. Thomas R. Benson, adjunct research scientist at Columbia University and manager of global exploration for Lithium Americas Corp. These opinions are his and not those of LithiumAmericas Corp., its affiliates, their respective officers, directors, employees or any third party.

As a liberal environmentalist who spent his childhood and career learning about the Earth and the necessity of protecting it, I never thought I would feel compelled to write publicly about the importance of mining — let alone serve as the head geologist at a lithium mining company.

The United States and the rest of the world need lithium to ensure a sustainable energy future. But As Reuters recently outlined, the industry faces a “talent crunch” because of individuals who, like me at a younger age, had an unequivocally negative view of mining.


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