SEATTLE (February 17, 2022). Today, EPAs Local Government Advisory Committee adopted recommendations to present Michael S. Regan with regard to the agency’s implementation of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The committee was asked to provide input on how to implement historic infrastructure investments in a manner that meets both the Administration’s climate and environmental justice goals as well as the needs of local governments.
The EPA is committed in maximising the impact of this historic capital investment in communities across the nation to cut pollution where it’s needed most, improve climate resilience and create well-paying jobs. said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. To realize this vision, we need to rely on the wisdom, expertise, and support of our local, state and Tribal partners. I am grateful to the LGAC members for their thoughtful and meaningful input as EPA moves forward with the deployment of these transformative resources.
I appreciate the collaboration with local governments and the willingness to reach out to them for their input regarding the implementation of the Bipartisan infrastructure Law. Megan Dunn is Council Chair and Councilmember District 2 in Snohomish County, Washington. She is also a member of the EPA Local Government Advisory Committee.. Tribes and municipalities will be the beneficiaries and on the frontlines of the implementation of these investments. Strong partnerships are key to efficient use of these resources for infrastructure, environment justice, and addressing the climate change.
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Act (BIL), represents a major investment into our nation’s infrastructure. Melissa Cribbins is a Coos County, Oregon Commissioner. She is also a member of the EPA Local Government Advisory Committee.. As a local elected representative, I was able to meet with the EPA directly to discuss this opportunity and offer ideas and insight on how it could better serve our communities. This funding is vital for many rural communities and we must ensure that it is used in the most strategic way.
Recognizing the importance infrastructure investments to local communities, LGAC devoted seven weeks to reviewing and developing crosscutting advice across many EPA infrastructure programs. Here are some key recommendations:
- To expand the technical assistance available to local governments to help them access funding, upgrade their infrastructure, ensure equity, and ensure climate and equity are included in their projects.
- Provide training and education to all levels of government in environmental justice and encourage the use of data and tools available to make informed and equitable decisions.
- Guidance to encourage infrastructure projects that don’t contribute to climate change
- Encourage state partners to engage communities, solicit ideas from local governments, as well as include them in decision-making.
- Flexibility in allowable cost to permit investments in workforce development, community outreach and the development regional partnerships.
Once signed by the LGAC leadership, the full letter of recommendation of the Committee will be posted on EPAs website.
The LGAC is made up of 35 members. These include representatives from 30 different states as well as tribal nations. They represent a wide variety of cities, counties, communities and countries across the United States. The Administrator appointed 34 members to this year’s Committee and 16 members to its Small Communities Advisory Subcommittee.
The Federal Advisory Committee Act charted the Local Government Advisory Committee. It provides independent and objective advice to EPA Administrators on a broad range issues affecting local governments. The EPA created the Small Community Advisory Subcommittee in 1996 to advise the Administrator about environmental issues that concern residents of smaller communities.
LGAC members are from counties, cities, small towns, tribes, and state and offer diverse perspectives and views from across the country. The LGAC’s initial work involves its Small Communities Advisory Subcommittee and four working groups: Air and Climate (Americas Waters and Water Infrastructure), Healthy Communities, and Environmental Justice. For more information, visit the EPA’s website: Local Government Advisory Committee | US EPA for more information.
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EPAs Region 10 serves Alaska, Idaho Idaho, Oregon, Washington, as well 271 Tribal Nations. Learn more about EPAs in the Pacific Northwest at Connect with us on Twitter @EPAnorthwestFacebook: @eparegion10.