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Nearly 200 states approve major UN report on climate change
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Nearly 200 states approve major UN report on climate change

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“The science is clear… What is needed is action from governments.”

Nearly 200 countries approved a major UN report on climate change detailing the accelerating effects of global warming. This was at the end a fraught two-week meeting that was overshadowed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change confirmed that the debate over the report’s critical “Summary for Policymakers” was concluded. This 40-page summary distilling thousands of pages worth of scientific research was reviewed line by line and will be made available to the public on February 28.

Global warming is already making it worse for species extinction, ecosystem collapse, mosquito borne disease, deadly heat, water scarcity, and reduced crop yields.

The world witnessed unprecedented floods and heatwaves in the last year.

According to an early draft, all these impacts will accelerate over the next decades, even if carbon pollution driving climate change is quickly brought under control. AFP In 2021.

It will also highlight the urgent need to “adapt” – a term which refers to preparations that are necessary for the occurrence of catastrophic consequences that cannot be avoided. 

Mohamed Adow, head of Power Shift Africa, stated that “We cannot escape from the climate crisis.” 

He said: IPCC ReportIt would be helpful for people to understand the “scale of the suffering we will suffer” if humanity doesn’t drastically reduce. greenhouse gas pollution.

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“Science is the backbone for climate action, and it is clear. It’s telling you how dire our situation really is. He said that governments are lacking in action. AFP.


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