
The last game of the year Join Apple Arcade for this monthGibbon: Beyond the Trees is an ecological adventure that includes platforming elements. Developed by Broken Rules, the same studio behind the critically acclaimed Old Man’s Journey, Gibbon is trying to turn players’ attention to the climate change that already has devastating effects around us.One of the important topics handled by Gibbon: Beyond the Trees is deforestation, as players are tasked with moving from the heart of a jungle to outward territories through increasingly barren and dangerous areas, on a quest to save a baby gibbon from human poachers.
Various NGOs and local organizations have been consulted before and during development, so Gibbon: Beyond the Trees, while a game first, it’s also an educational tool that directs players to resources that can better explains players how they can help heal the world. Gibbon: Beyond the Trees on iOS is free. Exclusively via Apple ArcadeBut, a A PC version is in development too.
In other news, new content updates have been released this week on Apple Arcade for a couple of titles, including Simon’s Cat, Grindstone, and Crayola Create and Play.
- Simon’s Cat – Story Time – The Sculpture Garden update includes 15 new sculptures, 3 new gardens, and 36 levels.
- Grindstone: This game adds a new carnival area at the base of the mountain. The Carnival features 15 levels and a new mechanic that allows players to earn tickets by hitting specific levels. The more tickets they win, the bigger their chain. Level tickets can be used to spin a prize wheel or win resources.
- Crayola Create & Play – The new version adds a new activity, Glow Art.
Apple Arcade is expected to announce additional game releases and new content updates next month.