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Subtropical Storm Wanda forms, exhausting the List of Names
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Subtropical Storm Wanda forms, exhausting the List of Names


For the second consecutive year, and only the third in history, meteorologists have exhausted their list of names used for identifying storms during the Atlantic hurricane seasons.

Subtropical Storm Wanda formed on Saturday. This makes 21 storms named so far this year.

If there are more storms, the National Weather Service will continue to work on a list of supplemental names. This is only the third time that it has done so in its history. The first was in 2005.

According to the National Hurricane Center, Wanda is not expected pose any threat to land.

Forecasters reported that the storm was located approximately 850 mi southeast of Cape Race, Newfoundland. Maximum sustained winds were 50 miles per hour. The storm was moving east-southeast around 16 m.p.h. Maximum sustained winds are expected rise to 60 m.p.h. Forecasters stated that the storm will continue for approximately 48 hours, and then weaken, later Sunday.

Last year’s season saw a record-breaking 30 named storms, six major hurricanes, requiring meteorologists to use Greek letters for the identification of the last nine storms.

However, March saw confusion among the general population and the inauguration of the World Meteorological Organization saidIt would no longer use the Greek alphabet for storm labels and instead rely on a supplemental list of 21 namesViviana and Will are the last three characters.

“Zeta, Eta, Theta — if you think about even me saying those — to have those storms at the same time was tough,” Kenneth Graham, the director of the National Hurricane Center, said this year. “People were mixing the storms up.”

Like the main list of storm namesThe supplemental lists does not contain names that begin with Q, U, Z or Y. Officials said these letters were not common enough and not easily understood in English, Spanish or Portuguese, the languages most commonly spoken in North America, Central America, and Caribbean.

It is becoming increasingly clear that hurricanes and climate change have many commonalities. A warmer planet can expect stronger hurricanes in the future, as well as a higher frequency of the most destructive storms. The number of storms could decline as stronger wind shear and other factors could prevent weaker storms form.

The warmer atmosphere is causing hurricanes to become more wetter. Scientists have suggested that storms could look like Hurricane Harvey in 2017 produced far more rain than they would have without the human effects on climate. Also, rising sea levels are contributing to higher storm surge — the most destructive element of tropical cyclones.

Ana was the first named storm to form in the Atlantic on May 22nd. This makes it the seventh consecutive year that a named storm has formed in the Atlantic before the official season began on June 1.

Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted that there would be a shortage of oxygen in May. 13 to 20 named stormsThis year, six to ten of these hurricanes would be in the Atlantic, with three to five major hurricanes of category 3 or higher.

NOAA updated its forecastIn early August, forecasters predicted 15 to 21 named storms, seven to ten hurricanes by the end the season on November 30. There have been 21 named storms with Wanda so far. seven of them became hurricanes.

Neil VigdorContributed reporting

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