The impact of fast fashion on the environment and society is staggering. The impact on water, pollution, carbon emissions and waste, gender inequality, human rights, and water use are all on the increase.
It’s impossible not to. The fashion industry’s global environmental footprint is huge. In 2019, the clothing consumption was 62 million tons. The water required to make those garments reached 93 million cubic meters. However, 20% of the global wastewater was generated by water wastage. Ten to twenty percent of global pesticide use was dedicated to cotton production, which in turn created 10% of all CO2 emissions that year.
Every action is worthwhile
Some brands realize the impact they have had on their environment. They recognized the need to make changes that other brands could adopt. These are just a handful of the world’s top examples.
Toms They started using 100% organic cotton. They ensure that all cotton they use is grown without the use of toxic chemicals or modified seed. They advocate the use of recycled cotton which has a positive impact on the environment and saves water as well as energy.
Gucci Their brand is dedicated to ensuring that 100% of the energy they use comes from renewable sources. They advocate for low-impact or sustainable alternatives materials and optimize manufacturing efficiencies. All of this takes place while GucciIt is important to ensure that employees are not only kept happy but also improved their working environment.
PatagoniaThe brand is constantly striving to achieve its ambitious goals. The brand is aiming to be carbon neutral within three years (by 2020). They also advocate for increased recycling and 100% renewable energy.
H&MIt is changing its approach to each stage of production. It is just as important to know what happens to each garment at the end. The circular economy is becoming H&M’s main focus. They want customers to feel confident that they made responsible and sustainable decisions every step of the process.
InditexSimilar efforts are being taken by other countries. All its cotton should be renewable by 2023. By 2025, linen and polyester should follow the same path. Inditex also funds many agricultural projects. It promotes ecological techniques and seed stock creation that are perfect for organic farming.
The Pearl SourceA slightly different approach was taken by the company. It provides a percentage of sales to nonprofit organizations that deal with women’s issues. pearl jewels.
The fashion industry is responsible for more CO2 emissions annually than all other international flights and maritime shipping combined. This is why we should not be able to choose where our next garment is made and demand reforms. Many of these changes should be made to make clothing production sustainable. This should be a goal that should be pursued by both manufacturers and large corporations. If they are not able to drive these transformations, then consumers should be the main drivers.
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