People who eat traditional Mediterranean food have lower rates of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Research suggests that a green Mediterranean diet that includes more greens and avoids meat may be even better for human wellbeing. The potential benefits to global health could be as impressive if the diet is adopted.
Scientists believe that reducing our consumption of meat and milk products is one of the best things we can do to help the environment.
Another studyIt is estimated that if everyone went vegan, it would reduce the amount land required by farmers to grow food by 3.1 Billion hectares (or 76%).
According to the authors, in addition to reducing food production’s carbon emissions, rewilding the land would remove approximately 8.1 billion tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere each year for the next 100-years.
Although it may seem absurd to think that billions would be willing to give up their steaks and sausages in order to reduce climate change, it is possible.
Perhaps they would reconsider if they knew how important it would be to their own health.
Further health benefits can be achieved by eating diets that combine reduced meat and dairy consumption with higher intakes of fruits, vegetables and healthy fats.
People who eat typical foods
According to clinical trials, a green Mediterranean diet or green Med diet may offer additional benefits beyond those offered by the regular Mediterranean diet.
The diet that includes more plant foods rich in polyphenols, and tries to avoid all meat, is also better.
[E]It is the best way to reduce your carbon footprint. Dr. Meir Stampfer Ph.D.Professor of nutrition and epidemiology, Harvard T.H. The green Med studies were created by the Chan School of Public Health, Boston.He said that meat’s contribution to greenhouse gas emissions is much greater than other foods. Medical News Today.
Dr. Stampfer stated that the area required for meat production also includes large areas for crops and livestock feed.
The green Med diet could help to preserve biodiversity by reducing the land used for meat production.
In its 2020 report
The importance of human activity on climate change, biodiversity loss, as well as their impact on nutrition, can’t be overstated, conclude the authors.
The following are elements of a traditional Mediterranean diet.
- Vegetables, fruits and whole grains
- Sources of healthy fats such as nuts and seeds, as well as olive oil, include
- Moderate amounts dairy and fish
- Red meat is less common than in a western diet.
- fewer eggs
- Moderation in red wine
The diet contains a lot of polyphenols and monounsaturated as well as polyunsaturated essential fatty acids.
Importantly, the classic Med diet does not include refined grains, highly processed foods, or products with added sugars.
Scientists from Israel, Germany, the United States and elsewhere suggested that replacing all meat in the diet with plant proteins could boost these health benefits.
They have conducted three clinical trials over the past few years.
They were all provided with free gym memberships and advice about exercise throughout their studies.
Researchers randomly assigned them to one of three diets:
- Healthy dietary guidance Basic advice on how to eat a healthy diet.
- A traditional Med diet with calorie restrictions, which includes advice to reduce red-meat consumption and 28 grams (g) of walnuts daily.
- A low-calorie green Med diet that included 28g of walnuts per daily, 34 cups of green tea and 100g Mankai duckweed in a shake. They were asked not to eat red or processed meats and were discouraged from eating poultry.
Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries have a lot of people who eat. MankaiAs a vegetable meatball. Previous researchThe same scientists found that Mankai contains all the essential amino acids and vitamin B12, making them an ideal meat substitute.
Cardiovascular benefits
The first study examined the potential heart health benefits of a green Med diet.
They reportAfter 6 months, both Med diets resulted in greater weight loss and metabolic improvements than standard dietary advice.
However, the green Med diet led a greater decrease in waist circumference as well as other measures of cardiovascular risks.
Participants on this diet had higher insulin sensitivity and blood pressure. They also had lower levels bad cholesterol and inflammation than those on the standard Med diet.
Fat storage in the liver
Their Next studyThe researchers compared the amounts of fat in the livers of subjects after 18 months of the three diets.
Researchers discovered that people who followed the green Med diet lost more liver fat than those who followed the regular med.
This could reduce their risk of nonalcoholicfatty liver disease (which affects approximately 25% of the world’s population) and potentially lead to fatal cirrhosis or liver failure.
Brain atrophy
Finally, researchers used magnetic resonance image (MRI) to study the effects of the three diets upon brain volume loss over 18 months.
Brain atrophy in the hippocampus, which is vital for memory formation, is a sign of cognitive decline as well as neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease.
The green Med diet seemed to offer the best protection against brain atrophy.
Polyphenols are able to cross the blood-brain border, where they can reduce inflammation and promote growth of nerve cells in the hippocampus.
So it is not surprising that the green Med diet, which doubles the polyphenol content of traditional Med diet, was associated to a greater reduction of brain atrophy.
It is important that 88% were middle-aged males with obesity. These results may not be applicable to women, people in younger age groups, and those without obesity.
The study had a relatively low number of participants.
The green Med diet is thought to have health benefits because it includes reduced consumption of red meat and processed meats, as well as increased intake of polyphenols.
For example, the levels of Mankai’s-derived polyphenols found in participants’ urine were associated with decreased shrinkage of their hippocampus.
But, eating less red meat and processed meat was significantly associated with decreased shrinkage.
Mankai is a very expensive product and is not widely available in stores.
MNT asked senior author Iris ShaiProfessor of Nutrition and Epidemiology at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva (Israel), on whether other high-protein plants could be as beneficial as meat replacements.
Mankai was a test case, she said. She stated that other plant protein sources would be just as effective.
Prof. Stampfer pointed out that you don’t need to consume the polyphenols in the same food source or the same amount of protein.
He said that berries have been shown to be beneficial in many ways, including a lack of protein and high levels of phenols.
He stated that further studies are needed to assess the benefits of different foods sources because polyphenols, which are a large and diverse group of compounds, will be needed.
He said that protein can be easily obtained without any meat or animal products.
Nutritionists tell MNTMankai is not the only option.
Ground flax, hemp and chia are good options for a high protein and mineral intake as well as an increase in omega-3 fatty acid levels, according to Katie Cavuto MS, RD, a nutritionist, executive chef and executive chef. Saladworks.
Quinoa is also a complete, high-quality protein rich in polyphenols.
Mankai provides, unsurprisingly for a plant: vitamin B12Vitamin B12, which is often deficient in vegan diets. Cavuto suggested edible algae like spirulina or seaweeds like nori as good sources of this vitamin.
Dr Donald Hensrud MDAssociate professor of nutrition and preventive medicines at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester, MN, recommended vegan cereals or plant-based milks with vitamin B12.
He said that sometimes it is easiest to take a vitamin B12 supplement. MNT.
Vitamin B12 is safe and non-toxic.
There are many other sources of polyphenols that can be used in place of walnuts, as explained in the Mayo Clinic’s Diet plan.
Prof. Hensrud stated that there are many options to include polyphenols in foods that don’t contain walnuts.
He pointed out that each type of nut has its own nutrient profile. Brazil nuts are high magnesium and almonds are high in calcium.
He stated that mixed nuts are the best source of nutrients for people who like to eat them.
Plant-based foods have a lower impact on the environment, especially in terms of carbon emissions.
However, not all plant resources are created equal. For example, a lot of water is required for growing plants. Almonds and cashewsThis is often true in areas with limited water supply.
It is worth noting, too, that almond farmers frequently use a lot of almonds. Pesticides and fertilizers.
Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and other nuts may be better choices to reduce environmental harm.
Avocados, which are a popular choice for vegetarians and vegans in terms of sustainability, could be the worst.
Avocados are mainly from Central and South America. This means that they have a high carbon footprint for European customers.
They are often grown in a monoculture, which is a lack of biodiversity and requires a lot water.
It takes 320 litersIt takes approximately 3.5 gallons of water to grow one avocado.