Is there a climate “crisis”? Is it really?
Climate change is being called a “crisis,” leading to “catastrophe.” Does that make sense? Let’s look at the facts:
You can graph the changes in atmospheric carbon pollution, world temperatures, and human world population over time. The result is three lines that swoop upwards in a curve that approaches vertical. That is an indication of exponential increases in all.
Extinctions follow a similar pattern. Many other species are also at risk, including pollinators. Every species depends on the other species to make waste nonexistent. This means that any loss could threaten the whole web.
Let’s look at water. The West is losing their snowpack, which is our reservoir (the drought has not ended). Subsidence means that our aquifers are no longer fully rechargeable.
Others depend on perpetual glaciers that are melting. Many countries, for example, depend on rivers fed by the Himalayan glaciers. When they’re gone, millions may die.
Human population is on the rise because of the depletion of resources that enable life. If we don’t lower the birth rate, nature will raise the death rate.
There is a climate crisis. It’s true!
Carol Kuczora
Grass Valley
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