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Theresa Crimmins: Women in climate change
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Theresa Crimmins: Women in climate change

Theresa Crimmins


By Alexis Blue and Mikayla Mce Kelley
University Communications


Theresa Crimmins
Theresa Crimmins

University of Arizona News will highlight some of the many women who are working in different disciplines on climate change issues during Woman’s History Month.

In a recent Comment published in Nature, world-renowned climate scientist and UArizona Regents Professor Diana Liverman and her co-authors write that climate change will have disproportional impacts on women, who in many societies have the responsibility to provide food, water and child care but are more likely than men to lack access to land, insurance and disaster relief. Liverman, along with her co-authors, also wrote that Women play an important role in climate change response, adaptation and research.

UArizona has a long history of women in climate research. Today, there are outstanding women scientists working on climate-related issues at nearly every college on campus. These include early career scientists to Regents, Distinguished Professors, and even Regents. 

Liverman stated, “I’m so proud of how many amazing women work on climate issues at Arizona.” “We cover a wide range of expertise – from climate science and communication to policy and art. We are making a difference in the knowledge and actions we can make, from the local to the global.

Theresa CrimminsHe joined the University of Arizona as a research professor in 2007. School of Natural Resources and the EnvironmentThe College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. She is also the director of the USA National Phenology NetworkBased at the University of Arizona.

Q: What is your focus in climate research?

A:I am extremely fortunate to be able to work with an incredible team to coordinate the USA National Phenology Network. Our program’s main purpose is to bring together professional scientists, natural resource managers, and volunteers from across the country to track when animals and plants go through seasonal life cycles. These observations are used by us and other scientists around to better understand the changing timing of seasonal events such as spring bud burst, bloom, and migration. It may not seem like a big deal for cherry trees to bloom a few weeks earlier than they did a few decades ago, but shifts in the timing of events like this – termed phenology – has major consequences for species that depend on those flowers as a food source to be available at a particular time. Changes in phenology can have huge implications for almost every aspect of our lives: human health, agriculture and tourism, as well as wildfire and other hazards.

Q: What made you first get excited or concerned about climate issues, and where do your efforts make a difference?

A:In 2005, Dave Bertelsen, a local fixture along the Finger Rock Trail in Catalina Mountains, introduced me to phenology. Since 1983, Dave has been hiking the trail about once per week and has kept track of every species of plant within the five-mile-long sections. I met him at an event and he casually shared some of his records. I was extremely fortunate to have worked with him and my spouse. Mike CrimminsTo confirm his intuitions, he consulted a climate extension specialist at the University to confirm that many species had moved upslope and changed their flowering time as a result of changing climate conditions. This work was very concrete and reflected the facts and consequences of climate change messages that I had learned in graduate program. It motivated me to pursue more research and applied work in this field. It is very practical and I love the work that I and the USA National Phenology Network Team do.

Q: What one thing do you want everyone understand about climate change?” 

A:My wish is for everyone not to feel helpless or overwhelmed. Climate crisis is a huge challenge that requires global action. Each of us must find ways to sustain our lives through this process. Self-care is essential. Self-care can be as simple as spending more time outside, being more quiet and paying more attention the animals and plants around us. I am amazed at the beauty and kindness that nature has to offer. Just that – quieting and looking – is enough. If you want to go further, the act of looking can be turned into a data collection exercise. This will provide historical context and help researchers in the future. If you take a few moments to look, there are many apps and programs that can help you record what you see. First and foremost, simply look, quieten down, appreciate, and learn. I wish everyone this gift.

Q: What advice would your advise to young women and girls who are interested in a career in climate research or policy?

A: Follow your passion and get out there as much as possible to learn coding. As I mentioned before, following your passion and getting outside will help you to stay sane as you tackle difficult topics. Coding skills are only necessary for data analysis. This is because I didn’t learn it when I was in school, and I had to learn it later in my career. It’s okay to decide that your career choice is not right for you.


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