NBA fans who are watching the 2022 Playoffs might notice how prominent the Google Pixel is throughout all marketing surrounding the event. This is because of the Google Pixel is the official smartphone of the NBA Google’s multiyear deal with the league. This year, the partnership will be further developed. Google and the NBA collaborated in developing this websiteThe NBA Google Pixel Arena You can have a game-changing virtual experience and take your game to the next level..
The NBA Google Pixel arena consists of A new immersive 3D environment can be created from the inside. NBA appAny mobile device, operating system. Google claims this was done intentionally to keep true to their NBA partnership tagline.For all the fans.In the meantime, NBAThe experience was described as follows:
The Pixel Arena, which will allow fans engage with the2022 NBA PlayoffsIn a personal and informative manner. Fans will be transported via their smartphones screen into an immersive digital realm. The app will start with every playoff game longest break: Half-time.
Fans can access the Pixel Arena between games or during halftime These features are something to look forward to:
- Personalize and create a custom avatar for your team or digital identity
- You can keep track of the match-up, scores and trivia information via a virtual Jumbotron
- Data visualizations of key moments or players
- Test your knowledge of NBA history, and you can earn points by answering fan trivia.
The NBA Google Pixel Arena On the first day, Playoffs’ live broadcast went onlineThis will continue throughout the event’s duration. This collaboration is timely, considering the partnership between Google with the NBA and the current popularity and interest in the Metaverse and Augmented Reality. I look forward to trying it out with my family at the next Miami Heat game. *fingers crossed*Bring them good fortune.