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TrueFort Cloud enables application intelligence-based workload protection to secure environments in minutes
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TrueFort Cloud enables application intelligence-based workload protection to secure environments in minutes

WEEHAWKEN, N.J.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–TrueFort, the real-time workload protection company, today announced TrueFort Cloud, which makes application-intelligent workload protection, service account analytics, and microsegmentation accessible to customers in one day, compared to competitive approaches that take weeks. TrueFort Cloud supports both hybrid cloud and on-premises deployments.

Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. Senior Analyst Melinda Marks said that organizations are increasingly hosting critical applications in cloud environments and need to find ways to manage security risk. TrueFort allows customers to monitor their workloads, understand the communications between applications, and take the appropriate actions to protect themselves and their assets.

Shining a light on Service Accounts

Service accounts are a risky asset for organizations. They are rarely reset and retired due to the possibility of outages. These sensitive accounts can be highly privileged and allow attackers to move laterally through the environment undetected. Endpoint detection and response (EDR), user/entity behavior analysis (UEBA), solutions provide service account metrics but do not allow visibility into local activity of the applications that use them.

TrueFort can monitor and identify trusted connections patterns of workloads, apps, and service accounts. TrueFort can easily absorb EDR agents telemetry to provide insight on active, inactive, or rogue accounts. TrueFort Service Account Analytics allows customers to detect and prevent lateral movements by attackers and malicious outsiders.

Cloud migration and modernization have made workloads and applications a popular target for attackers. Security tools can’t detect when they are compromised or exhibit suspicious behavior, according to Nazario Parsacala (CTO of TrueFort). We monitor all workloads in real-time and compare their activity with approved and acceptable baselines. This allows us to detect anomalous and risky behavior and protect assets by enforcing legal service account behavior.

Workload Segmentation for Isolate Compromise

The complexity of workload and application communications has increased due to the evolution microservices-based architectures. These architectures are almost impossible to document as they constantly change and evolve. These environments make it difficult to enforce network-based microsegmentation policies using firewalls and other hardware solutions. TrueFort, on the other hand, provides Zero Trust workload microsegmentation that protects business critical assets.

TrueFort makes segmentation easier by applying policies that are based on profiles that understand network and identity. This is in contrast to heavily relying on IP or port data. TrueFort enforces workload policies to block lateral movement, supply chain attacks and other attempts to evade network-based segmentation. TrueFort also maps the environment to identify and map intra-application dependencies, workloads, data flows, and other factors that could impact an organization’s attack surface. TrueFort also uses a trusted baseline for acceptable behavior to reduce lateral movement, and block malicious workload activity.


TrueFort Cloud is now available from TrueFort and its business associates worldwide.

About TrueFort

TrueFort is the industry leader in providing zero trust protection for critical apps. TrueFort’s platform detects and stops security threats before they become business hazards. It combines adaptive trust and cloud-to ground capabilities to provide real-time, adaptive trust. TrueFort was founded by former IT executives at Bank of America and Goldman Sachs. It is trusted by leading global enterprises to provide unprecedented application visibility and workload security. Visit TrueFort for more information https://truefort.comFollow us on LinkedIn Twitter.

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