To the Editor,
Let’s presume for a moment that electric cars become the norm and gas is phased out. Imagine this: The temperature is 35°C or minus-35°C (take your pick). What will you do first after a normal workday ends?
First, we all plug in our electric cars…right? Next, we would adjust our furnaces or air conditioners.
Think for a moment what this will do to our power grid—overload comes to mind, and many power outages as a result. Are there enough dams and other sources of power? The answer is no. This is compounded by the fact that there is more and more housing. We all know we are in the middle of a climate crisis.
I also see long lines at Canada’s service stations, waiting to be able to charge my car. I don’t know that I want a vehicle powered by electricity during extreme heat or cold while travelling across Canada. I can just imagine being stuck on a highway and having to choose between heating/air conditioning or conserving energy to run the car’s engine. Either choice would be dangerous.
Now we will be talking about making an actual battery, the cost, and what about the added cost of electricity in ten years. Will these electric cars work well when temperatures reach a balmy plus 35 or minus 35 degrees?
Next we will address the environmental issue of properly disposing of all spent batteries. Did I mention that there is no safe way to dispose of spent batteries? I could go on and on, but you get the picture, I’m sure.
Ron Gobeil,