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Sunday is Earth Day at ACUA Environmental Park
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Sunday is Earth Day at ACUA Environmental Park

Sunday is Earth Day at the ACUA Environmental Park

ACUA Earth Day Festival will take place April 24 at Egg Harbor Township’s Recycling Center.

EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP –The Atlantic County Utilities Authority’s Earth Day festival was canceled for the past two years due to the pandemic. But it’s back this year, better than ever. The ACUA will be celebrating its 30th anniversary.ThEarth Day Festival, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, April 24, at its Environmental Park 6700 Delilah Road.

ACUA President Rick Dovey stated that we are thrilled to host the Earth Day Festival again. We are pleased to welcome the community back to celebrate the environment during the 30ThIt is wonderful to feel the new year, especially after having to cancel the previous two years. We look forward to this chance to show appreciation for the environment, highlight the work of many community groups, and highlight the positive work of the many organizations and individuals in our area.

This festival is South Jersey’s longest-running and largest Earth Day Festival. The authority expects to host more than 8,000 guests at the celebration of Earth, our collective home.

More than 150 local vendors, entertainers, and musicians will be part of the festival. There will be activities for all ages including Touch-A-Truck, Wastewater Facility Tours, Touch-A-Truck and a hayride up to the top of the landfill. There will also be a composting demonstration, interactive shows, music, workshops, and a composting demonstration. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about the environment while having fun with your family and friends.

Workshops will include mini yoga, a native plant walk, how to raise backyard chickens, and an overview of Stockton University Maple Project. There will also be sound bowl sessions, introductions to mushrooms, and a demonstration of a rain barrel.

Guests can visit the festival anytime of the day. You can either park at ACUAs facility at 6550 Delilah Road or at an offsite parking area with shuttle service at Airport Commerce Center at 6.550 Delilah Road.

More information and a list of vendors can be found at


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