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“HVLS industrial fan has been shown to significantly improve indoor environment”
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“HVLS industrial fan has been shown to significantly improve indoor environment”

"HVLS industrial fan proven to help significantly improve indoor environment"

More cost-effective solutions are urgently needed, especially in greenhouse cultivation, as there is a rising cost of energy and production. A high-tech industrial fan was developed by Rite-Hite Ltd, a specialist company based in Volkmarsen (Germany) a few years ago. They claim that the innovative ventilation system will not only improve indoor climate and conditions in glasshouses but also significantly reduce energy consumption.

The HVLS fans move large volumes at low speeds and result in efficient air circulation within the building. The HVLS fans are mainly used in industrial buildings. They are particularly useful in the fruit industry, for ventilation of storage, production, sales, and greenhouses. “We have used the fans to improve the indoor climate in greenhouses and food storage areas.

HVLS industrial fans

Cool in summer, but warm in winter
HVLS industrial fan from Rite-Hite has optimum low speed, high air volume and a cost-saving design. Air is drawn up above the fan and conically transported to the shop floor. HVLS fans also offer year-round benefits. HVLS fans provide summer cooling and winter destratification. This involves the heating of the ceiling with the floor to create a mixture of warm air and cool air. This is especially useful in greenhouse systems, where harvesting and planting can be done all year,” Rite Hite states.

Right: Fans are already being successfully used in Dutch cucumber gardens.

Performance all year and energy-saving
Last but not the least, the process meets modern user’s requirements in terms of ease-of-use. “The Fan Commander’s touch-screen control panel lets the user optimize the year-round performance Rite-Hite VLS fans in a building to maximize energy savings and comfort.

For more information:
Simone Augustin
Rite-Hite GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3
34471 Volkmarsen
Phone: +49 (0) 5693 9870-277
[email protected]

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