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Films that celebrate our environment
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Films that celebrate our environment

A celebration of our environment through film

Arts, Entertainment, Events & Activities

Thursday, April 28 VIRTUAL Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC), will host Wild and Scenic Film Festival on Tour live from your home. Tickets cost $12. You can also find raffle tickets and the film program at

Courtesy Wild & ScenicFilmFestival
The Magical Forest and the Things is a 4 minutes short about Dave and Callie (6 years old) who spent the first three weeks of Covid19 in a make-shift “Quarantine Attic.”

The Wild & Scenic Film Festival celebrates nature’s beauty and inspires people to take action to preserve it. The festival is a fundraiser for VNRC. All proceeds go directly to supporting advocacy, research, education, and other activities that are vital to the protection of our natural resources. VNRC, Vermont’s oldest state-based environmental organization, works to protect Vermont’s environment and communities and prepare the state for climate resilience.

VNRC is hosting the film festival for the 14th time, and it is the third year that it has been held virtually. The in-person gatherings were great opportunities to get together in the spirit to celebrate the natural world. However, VNRC has been able to offer a virtual event that allows people all over Vermont to access the inspiring and educational films.

This festival is part of a national network which brings together grassroots organizations to promote activism through film. This year’s festival will showcase a variety of environmental efforts from around the globe and locals.

Film program:

  1. “Protecting the Monarch Butterfly (4 minutes). Land restoration near Niagara Falls is providing refuge for a beloved butterfly and setting an example in wildlife protection worldwide.
  2. Dear Pippa (8 minutes). A mother shares with her daughter the things she has learned about herself as a mother.
  3. Civil Society: Not on our Soil (8 minutes). The South Durban community, which is notoriously polluted, fights for a democracy that’s for the people, by the people.
  4. Craig, America (14 minutes). A small town struggles to move from a fossil fuel past into a more sustainable future.
  5. Its Bean to Hot (25 min). Coffee production is being affected by climate change. Coffee could be gone forever if we don’t act now.
  6. Intermission (10 min)
  7. The Magical Forest & the Things (4 minutes). Callie (6 year old) and Dave spent the first three weeks in Covid19 distancing at a shared studio, now known as the Quarantine Atic. This is a unique story that demonstrates a child-like, yet critical, observation of human consumption habits as well as the social reinforcements that affect it.
  8. A Fly Fishing Refugee (6 min). A Polish dissident discovers why rivers and salmon are so prominent in his life.
  9. The Hunt for the Asian Giant Hornet (12 mins). Scientists race against time to stop the spread a new invasive species.
  10. Shaba (12 Minutes). After her mother was killed by poachers, Shaba, an unruly Elephant, is rescued to the mountains in northern Kenya to be rehabilitated. Reteti Sanctuary’s women keepers found a maternal solution to Shabas’s heartbreak.
  11. West Portal Creek (24 mins). West Portal Creek demonstrates how people have worked together for more than twenty years to overcome streams’ water quality problems.
  12. Three minutes of Im a Child. We are taken on a whimsical journey by Im a Child to understand the importance of addressing the Climate Crisis.
  13. Interview with Els van Woert, Dear Pippa (about 10 minutes). Makenna Greatman, VNRC’s Communications Director interviews Els van Woert, a local Vermonter, and the star of Dear Pippa. Els shares her story about finding solace in Vermont’s forests and the joys of sharing the great outdoors her daughter.
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