May 9, 2022
Tokyo, Japan. May 9, 2009 (Jiji Press). On Monday, staff members from Japan’s Environment Ministry shared their efforts to promote the “Cool Biz”, a workplace power-saving campaign.
The ministry is the flag bearer of the initiative and hopes that Japan will participate in the campaign by many people to help achieve the government’s goal to reduce Japan’s greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2020.
The campaign asks people to dress casually during hotter months to work to reduce electricity consumption.
Because the climate in Japan is so diverse, the ministry decided to not set a general campaign time this year.
It was cloudy and cold in Tokyo’s Kasumigaseki district on Monday morning. However, ministry workers who promote a low-carbon lifestyle were seen wearing polo shirts or traditional Okinawa short-sleeve shirts.
[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]