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6 months after the summit, where is the progress on climate changes in a more dangerously divided world?
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6 months after the summit, where is the progress on climate changes in a more dangerously divided world?

Men and women talking in a conference room with table placemarker reading


Six months ago, negotiators at the United Nations’ Glasgow climate summitA series of new commitments were made to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and increase resilience to the effects of climate change. Analysts concluded that the new commitments, which included phasing out of coal, would be fulfilled. Change the trajectory of global warmingAlthough they are still far from the Paris climate agreement,

The world is becoming more complex. Russia is waging war against European soil. Implications for energy and food supplies. Some leaders, who had pledged to phase out fossil fuels a few months back, are now Encourage fossil fuel companies nowTo increase production.

The Biden administration in the United States has had difficulty getting its promises through Congress. Last-ditch efforts have been made to salvage some type of climate and energy legislation from the dead. Build Back Better. Without it, U.S. commitments to reduce emissions by over 50% by 2030 look fanciful, and the rest of the world knows it – adding another blow to U.S. credibility overseas.

In the meantime, severe famines are ravaging Yemen and the Horn of Africa. Extreme heat has been threatening people’s lives India and Pakistan. Australia faced Historic flooding, and the Southwestern U.S. can’t keep up with the wildfires.

As An ex-high ranking U.N. official, I’ve been involved in international climate negotiations for several years. At the halfway point of this year’s climate negotiations, with the Next U.N. Climate ConferenceHere are three areas you should be watching for progress and cooperation in a world filled with danger and division in November 2022.

Long-term benefits from crisis response

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has added to a triple whammy of Inflationary spikes and fuel prices, as well as food priceIn a global economy that is still struggling to recover from the pandemic.

But Russia’s aggression Europe has been forced to adapt.Others to leave Russian oil, gas, or coal dependence. The G7 – Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.K. and the U.S. – pledged on May 8, 2022, to Russian oil should be banned or phased outThey can also accelerate their shift to clean energy.

In the short term, Europe’s pivot means much more energy efficiency – the International Energy Agency estimates that the European Union can save 15%-20% of energy demand with Efficiency measures. It also means Importing oil and gasFrom elsewhere.

The medium-term answer is in Renewable energy: Increasing the production.

Men and women talking in a conference room with table placemarker reading

John Kerry, former Secretary of State, talks with European negotiators at the U.N. Climate Talks in November 2021.
AP Photo/Alastair Grant

There are many problems to solve. Europe is likely to reduce gas supplies to other countries if it purchases gas from other locations. Some of these countries are forced to go back to coal, More carbon-intenseFuel that damages air quality. To avoid a backlash against pro-climate policies, some countries will need assistance in expanding renewable energy and stabilizing energy costs.

As the West race to renewables it will also need to Securing a supply-chainFor Critical minerals and metalsBatteries and renewable energy technology are required, including to replace an overdependence of China with Multiple supply sources.

Integrity in corporate commitments

At the Glasgow climate conference in December 2021, finance leaders and other private sector coalitions made headlines with their bold commitments. They pledged to Accelerate their transitions towards net-zeroEmissions by 2050. Some firms and financiers were more specific. ending financing for coal plants that don’t capture and store their carbon, Mitigating methane emissionsand to support ending deforestation.

They kept their promises cries of “greenwash”Many climate advocacy groups. There are some efforts underway to hold companies and countries accountable for their commitments.

Catherine McKenna, former Canadian Environment Minister, is now the chairperson of a U.N. group Working on a framework to hold companies, cities, states and banks to account when they claim to have “net-zero” emissions. This is done to ensure that companies, cities, states, and banks that pledged net-zero emissions last year can now explain how they did it and what scientific basis.

For many companies, especially those with large emissions footprints, part of their commitment to get to net-zero includes buying carbon offsets – often investments in nature – to balance the ledger. Two initiatives to create safeguards around voluntary carbon market are expected to issue their first sets this summer. Issuers of carbon creditFor Firms who want to use voluntary markets for carbonTo meet their net-zero claims. The goal of carbon markets is to reduce global emissions and provide steady revenue for countries that require finance for green growth.

Climate change influences elections

The importance of climate change in elections is growing.

French President Emmanuel Macron tries his best to attract supporters of a candidate from his left and energize young people. Climate pledges made more dramatic, vowing to be “the first major nation to abandon gas, oil and coal.”

With Chile’s swing to the left, the country’s redrafted constitution will incorporate climate stewardship.

Morrison and his wife holds hands and smile on the left while a protester in a 'stop Adani' t-shirt is held back by security on the right.

Scott Morrison, Australian Prime Minister, has been subject to protests for his support for Adani Carmichael coal mine, which is one of the most important coal mines in the country.
AP Photo/Rick Rycroft

In Australia, Scott Morrison’s government – which supported opening one of the world’s largest coal mines at the same time the Australian Private sector is focusing on renewable energy – faces an election on May 21, 2022, with heatwaves and extreme flooding fresh in voters’ minds. Brazil’s Jair BolsonaroOctober faces opposition from those who are Talking about climate protection.

Elections are won and lost on the basis of pocketbook issues. Energy prices are high, and inflation is gaining ground. But the voters around the globe are also aware of these issues. Feel the effectsYou can witness the effects of climate change firsthand. Increasingly concerned.

The next climate conference

The next round of the G20 will present new economic and security challenges to countries. November sees the start of U.N. talksIn Sharm el-Sheikh Egypt, they were faced with a different set of challenges than those in Glasgow. They will be expected make progress on their commitments and struggle for bandwidth.

It is urgent to accelerate climate action into the future. Every decimal degree of warming avoided is a chance for better health, greater prosperity, and better security.


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