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Lost Coast Outpost| Lost Coast Outpost

County Releases Draft Environmental Impact Report for Nordic Aquafarms' Fish Factory Project on Samoa Peninsula | Lost Coast Outpost

Computer-generated photo illustration of how Nordic Aquafarms proposed recirculating aquarium system facility on the Samoa Peninsula.Image via County of Humboldt | Image via County of Humboldt.



Nordic Aquafarms has been announcing for nearly seven months that it would comply with public demand and complete an environmental impact report (EIR). The county published the draft EIR Monday morning for public review.

The public, government agencies, and environmental groups have 60 days to review the document and provide feedback to the county. There’s a link to the full DEIR at the bottom of this post.

Here’s the county’s press release:

The County of Humboldt created a Draft Environmental Impact Report, (DEIR), for Nordic Aquafarms California LLC Coastal Development Permit. Special Permit application (Case number PLN-200-016698). The land-based aquaculture facility can be found in the Samoa region, east of Vance Avenue. It is approximately 2,000 feet from the intersection of Vance Avenue & Bay Street on the property 364 Vance Avenue (Assessor Parcel No. 401-112-021). The water intakes are located approximately one-half miles apart along the Samoa Channel, Humboldt Bay at Redwood Marine Terminal II Dock and Red Tank Dock (Assessor Parcel No. 401-112-014 and 403-031-040).

From Dec. 20, 2021 to Feb. 18, 2022, Humboldt County Planning and Building Departments will be open for public comments about the DEIR. Comments may be submitted to the Humboldt County Planning and Building Department, at 3015 H Street, Eureka, CA 95501, or by email at [email protected] by Feb. 18, 2022. The DEIR is available to the public at the Planning and Building Department and online via Departments website.

For more information, please contact Cade McNamara, Planner II, by email at [email protected] or by phone at (707) 268-3777.

Nordic Aquafarms Project [link to DEIR]

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