RANTOUL Rantoul, a village in the middle of Rantoul, has made significant progress in reducing flooding in various areas of the town and is now focusing its attention on stormwater problems in other parts of the city.
Jake McCoy, Interim Director of Public Works, stated that flooding has been reduced on Illinois Drive due to the Rantoul City Schools and village. There is more work planned.
The village purchased three houses that were most affected by the flooding and demolished them.
McCoy informed the village storm drainage committee that the lots once holding the houses were now just grass.
McCoy said that the village would likely dig a detention basin at Illinois Drive.
The large area of paved land near Northview School, just west of the homes, further exacerbated the problem.
A half-acre detention pond was created by the school district in this year’s school district. It was funded through a Safe Routes to School grant, which was administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation in cooperation the village.
The drainage improvements on the west side were also part of the project.
McCoy spoke highly of the basin, saying that it seems to be doing very well. They have all the down spouts. It hasn’t flooded in all the big rains they’ve received.
He said that the basin became operational in September.
McCoy suggested that the village might also build a detention basin nearby.
It has made a huge difference to the quality of the grass and houses. It will be cost-effective as we won’t need to add storm sewers.
The village is also focusing its attention on north Rantoul (U.S. 45), which is just east of Century Boulevard (U.S. 5) and where an inadequate drainage system can cause problems during heavy rains.
The problem area is located near storage units north of an area which used to house a trailer park, but was demolished many years ago. McCoy stated that the problem has been exacerbated by construction over the years.
He said that flooding can cause damage to yards and crawl spaces. It doesn’t usually flood their homes, but it can flood their yards.
McCoy stated that none of the land is on village property and that there are no plans to fix it.
He stated that the village would inform owners of property located upstream about the problems and perhaps they could build a detention tank on the property or a Berm… That would really help this region.
McCoy stated that the village will also conduct an engineering analysis to determine the best cost and approach to solve the problem.
McCoy indicated that there are only a few subdivision builders in the town who have been granted waivers over the years, but they aren’t required to install sufficient storm sewer systems.
The village will also be looking into ways to address flooding problems at the village industrial park. Flooding issues are being caused by ditch growth in the vicinity of Charles Industries, Combe Laboratories.
McCoy stated that Rantoul Products didn’t maintain their ditches after they left the building. This building has been abandoned for a while.
Get quotes and hire someone who will bring some excavators to dig around the flow line. It will be a benefit to both upstream and downstream customers.
McCoy also updated McCoy on stormwater work done in the village on the Sports Complex, where a basin was added and a storm sewer system was installed.
The pandemic caused the committee to cease meeting for several months. Now it will meet quarterly. The next meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on February 24,