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A Conversational Play On Intergenerational Attitudes Towards The Climate Crisis  – Brno Daily
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A Conversational Play On Intergenerational Attitudes Towards The Climate Crisis  – Brno Daily

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The new play “Ours” (“Naší”) was created especially for HaDivadlo and its 45th season dedicated to the climate crisis, entitled “Resources”. It’s a discussion between three generations that takes place after lunch. The mother – a teacher and a former dissident, her daughter and her husband – both of whom work in the installation of solar panels, and the younger daughter – a climate protester. The play explores the differences in opinions and attitudes among generations. Photo credit: Káťa Opuntia

Brno, 1 May (BD) – The theatrical piece “Ours: A Conversation Study on the Climate Crisis” was created for HaDivadlo and its 45th season dedicated to the climate crisis, entitled “Resources”. The goal was to look at the problem of climate crisis more deeply and make it accessible to people in conversation, as opposed to just using graphs.

The selection of the interviewed “speakers” was preceded by the selection of authors who represent a range of approaches to the environmental activism agenda, similar to the “interviewed” speakers and then the depicted characters. The selection of the “spokespeople” was based on conversations between the authors over what type of discussion would be most beneficial to the situation of the climate crisis debate of the 2020s and the HaDivadlo audience. They decided to listen to a variety of opinions and attitudes from different generations, and classes, who in principle accept the existence and severity of the climate crisis. 

“The aim was to personify the abstract views and look for the concrete people behind them interacting in a family environment. The family thus served as a metaphor for humanity, in which we also inhabit one home – our planet.” Photo credit: Káťa Opuntia

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This play raises many questions, such as what defines a hysterical reaction, and who determines the boundaries of what a “healthy” reaction is? Or if it is at all possible to make changes in society in a “civilised” way? It is possible to choose between hysteria and passiveness. It is a study in dialogue with the awakening collective consciousness, according to the authors. 

The performance is English-friendly and includes subtitles for non-Czech-speaking audiences. Click HereFor more information and to buy tickets, please visit×683.jpeg×100.jpegElisa PintonArt & CultureBrno,Climate and Events in Brno. News, PlayThe new play ‘Ours’ (“Naší”) was created especially for HaDivadlo and its 45th season dedicated to the climate crisis, entitled ‘Resources’. It focuses on a conversation between three generations after lunch. The mother – a teacher and a former dissident, her daughter and her husband – both of…
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