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A ‘fashion fast’ to fight climate change, Evangelical Focus
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A ‘fashion fast’ to fight climate change, Evangelical Focus

A ‘fashion fast’ to fight climate change


Christian charity TearfundHas launched The Great Fashion Fast Campaign, which aims to encourage to “live more sustainably, raise money, and help beat poverty”.

According to Tearfund, ”Fast Mode is harming God’s creation and pushing people further into poverty. It GeneratorsMore Emissions of CO2 that are harmful than all international flights and shipping combined”.

“This Contributes to Climate ChangeThis makes extreme weather events like floods, droughts, and storms more common and more severe. And it’s people living in poverty who are suffering the consequences”, adds the Christian charity.

A ‘fashion fast’ to fight climate change

The Great Fashion Fast campaign encourages people to select ten pieces of clothing for the entire month of March. / Tearfund.

Tearfund statistics reveal that 100 billion pieces of clothing are made each year. 57% of people own a new car. ClothingThey’ve never worn it.. A mere 23% of people would consider the environment a reason to purchase less clothing.


That is why we have Great Fashion Fast campaign calls on people “to Pick only ten items ClothingAsk for sponsorship from people to wear those items. for the whole month of March”.

The money participants raiseIt will be used to aid vulnerable communities around the globeAdapt to the climate crisis, and lift themselves out poverty”, explain the organisers.

They encourage people to use the hashtag #GreatFashionFast to share their progress and give them ideas for choosing the 10 items for the month.

A ‘fashion fast’ to fight climate change

The campaign gives you ideas on how to choose the 10 best clothes. / Teearfund.


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Ruth Valerio, director of Tearfund, stresses that “theCO2 emissionsThese are The climate crisis is exacerbated by the fashion sector.”.

“At Tearfund, I hear every day the devastating impact that the climate crisis is having on people living in poverty. Of course, there are many factors that have contributed to this, but ModeIt is one of the most important areas because So energy-intensive”, she points out.

Valerio warns that “people all around the world are being impacted by the climate crisis right now. This is not a problem for the future. This is an IssueNow”.

Learn more about The Great Fashion Fast campaign Here.


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