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A new video game simulates COVID-19 at work
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A new video game simulates COVID-19 at work

New video game simulates COVID-19 in a workplace environment

SPOKANE, Wash. — COVID-19 has affected everything, and that now includes the video game industry.

The recently published “COVID Simulator” is a game where you build an office space while mitigating the spread of the virus.

The game allows users the ability to create their own workplaces, fire and hire workers, and adjust the strength of the virus. The goal of the game is to create a safe environment in which COVID-19 can thrive without exposing large numbers of workers.

Players can also make other decisions in the game. You can adopt vaccine and mask mandates, encourage pro/anti-vaccine behavior, and give “alternative medicine” treatments.

“COVID Simulator is so well made it’s a little depressing,” said Kotaku, a game reviewing website.

The game is only available through the Steam marketplace. Check out COVID Simulator for a free demo Here.

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