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A study has shown that six key changes in your life can help you prevent climate crisis.
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A study has shown that six key changes in your life can help you prevent climate crisis.

A man looking through second hand clothes at a charity shop in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. According to academics people should limit themselves to buying three new items of clothing a year (Getty)


A man looking through second hand clothes at a charity shop in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. According to academics people should limit themselves to buying three new items of clothing a year (Getty)

A man browsing second-hand clothes in a charity shop in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. According to academics, one should only buy three new pieces of clothing per year (Getty).

Alongside the behemoths of governments and industry, individual people in developed countries can also take action which will reduce humanity’s impact on the planet and help stall the Climate crisisAccording to scientific research, it is possible to achieve this, particularly through targeted behavioural changes.

A new campaign focuses on the six lifestyle changes that people can make to make the most impact on their lives. environment – from going VeganTo buy fewer new clothes.

“Government and industry do have most responsibility, but citizen and community action is meaningful, impactful, and urgently needed,” according to The Jump is a campaign group, who say their ambition is to help people make “practical changes, support and inspire each other, celebrate success and drive a shift in society’s mindsets and cultures”.

The campaign is based upon research by Leeds University, Arup Engineering and the C40 Cities climate group.

According to the research, 73% of all the changes required by 2030 to keep the planet on track to meet the Paris Agreement targets must be made by government and industry.

According to the campaign group, private citizens can exert considerable influence on the remaining 27 percent.

The six most important changes people can make to their lives are:

1. Reduce clutter: Keep your electronic products and home appliances in good condition for at least seven more years

2. Holiday local: One flight every three year

3. Eat green: Healthy portions and no waste.

4. Dress retro: Three new clothing items per year

5. Travel fresh: No personal cars if possible

6. Change the system: Make at least one life change to push the system to the right direction, such as moving to a green energy provider or a green pension supplier.

Turning attention to individuals’ actions rather than those companies or organisations largely responsible for fuelling the climate crisis and shaping people’s behaviour has been criticised in recent years.

Individual consumers have been blamed for the climate crisis. This has been done using techniques employed by the tobacco industry and the petrochemicals industry, which allows them to avoid responsibility for the effects of their products.

The spokesperson for The Jump said however that The Independent: “This is not about ‘shaming’ people, or ‘calling them out’. It’s about supporting people to live fully and joyously while in balance with Nature.

“More people want positive and constructive action, which is hugely beneficial in mitigating the mental stress caused by climate anxiety. However, they feel powerless and confused as to what to do. These steps, along with the community and tools provided by The Jump, have been a huge help to many citizens and communities.”

They said: “This isn’t just new information or a normal behavior change campaign, it’s a fun movement that has emerged as a response to this evidence.”

“At a time when we really need some hope, and that connecting people and communities to lead the way to ‘less stuff and more Joy’, could be really inspiring and offer a lot of people just what they’re looking for.”


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