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Activists criticize Europe for dumping Africa
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Activists criticize Europe for dumping Africa

Waste pickers search of recyclable waste to sell in the Mbeubeuss rubbish dump in Dakar on July 14, 2021.

David Kumordzi, a composer and musician, is based in Accra, Ghana’s capital. He spends a lot of his time mobilizing people to clean up his country’s beaches.

The waste Kumordzi and his team collect include plastics and waste clothing.

“Most of Europe’s wastes are coming from Europe, because we are connected to Atlantic Ocean. Most of the wastes we are seeing around our beaches are not from Ghana,” he told DW from Accra.

He blamed Europe and the tons of waste that were washed ashore every day.

“Ninety percent of the wastes are from the Atlantic Ocean,” according to Kumordzi, who said the West is to blame for the tons of traash found in the ocean.

Since years, environmental activists in Africa have raised concerns about the rapid growth of Africa as a European dumpsite.

More rags than riches

A constant stream of containers containing disregarded items, ranging from electronic waste to clothing, arrives on the continent. It’s not only a nuisance but also a threat to the environment and human health. 

West Africa’s hub for used clothing from the West is found in Accra’s Kantamanto Market.

Traders sort through piles of imported clothes to find high-quality items. But there are usually more rags than riches.

Every week, about 15 million individual items of used clothing  arrive in Ghana, according to the OR Foundation, a human rights and environmental NGO from the United States.

Old clothes from Europe

Forty percent of these items end up discarded due to their poor quality. They find their way to landfills from where they are often washed into the ocean. 

Liz Richetts is the co-founder and chief executive of the OR Foundation. She told DW that some clothes are simply trash from European households.

“Sixty percent of the clothing that comes into our stores is made from recycled materials.” [into Africa]are already trash and that number actually has gone up from what was previously known. This could be a shirts that somebody painted their homes and then they wiped their hands all over it, and they end here [Ghana]Richetts lamented.

She stated that some of the items had been deliberately destroyed and should not have ended up in Africa.

Electronic waste

Many African countries such as Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Republic of Benin, amongst others receive huge containers filled with used electronic gadgets such as phones, kitchen appliances and even automobiles that are not road worthy on European roads.

These cars are often left in disrepair and have been in horrendous motor accidents in Europe. 

These items were rejected in Europe for being unusable, but they make their way to Africa believing that they will be of use to the African people.

According to a UN report, the world produced over 53 million tons of electronic waste in 2019 alone  up by 21% in just five years.

The UN’s Global E-waste Monitor 2020 has also predicted that global e-waste discarded products with a battery or plug will reach 74 metric tons by 2030, almost a doubling of e-waste in just 16 years.

This worrying trend makes electronic waste the world’s fastest growing domestic waste stream. It is driven primarily by high consumption rates of electronic and electrical equipment, short life cycles and few repair options.

Burdened in toxic e-waste

E-waste is toxic and can cause severe health problems.

Nnimmo Bassey is an African environmental expert and told DW Nigeria that “the trend in Africa is not only worrying, but consistent with what’s been going on for a while.”

Bassey said Africa is becoming a dumpsite for all kinds of waste because the rest of the world is rejecting it.

“Other nations are getting more conscious about wastes in their territories and they are rejecting toxic waste from polluting countries and suddenly Africa has become an attractive location,” he said.

Bassey believes that Africa lacks strong laws to regulate the import of wastes from West Africa into its territory.

“Our politicians, our governments are not taking a serious position on this phenomenon because they are also probably looking for payments for toxic wastes to be dump on the continent,” Bassey explained.

Attenuating climate change

The toxic waste pollution in Ghana’s Agbogbloshie Enclave is largely caused by electronic waste. Young Ghanaians risk their health to extract aluminium and copper among others items from the waste products.

Bassey stated that Africa is already suffering high levels of pollution due to the e-waste threat as it “experiences unprecedented effects of global warming and is adding to that by pollution from the extractive sector.”

The Sustainable Development Goals for the Environment are a way to get the world to work hard to reduce the effects of climate change.

Africa’s already feeling the effects of climate changes and many countries are becoming dumpsites for Europe, analysts worry that it won’t be able achieve its goals.

“You cannot have a clean environment when you are accepting waste to be dumped in your environment so clearly those targets of cleanliness cannot be met,” Bassey said.

Europe must pay for Africa’s waste disposal

Many environmental activists believe Europe must compensate African countries in return for the waste it has disposed of on the continent. Such compensation, according to campaigners like Kumordzi, should be channelled into making Africa safer for its people.

He suggested that people who are not contributing to protecting the environment should make budget provisions. Any company located in Europe that produces waste plastics, electronic wastes, and clothing must source funds to African countries.

Bassey said Europe cannot deny responsibility for the level of waste being generated there and shipped to Africa.

“They [European countries] can’t deny” being responsible for the wastes found on the African continent,” according to Bassey.

He stated that every nation must take responsibility for its waste.

“Each country must take care of its wastes. Consume less, produce less waste and when you produce the waste, recycle it or take care of the wastes on your own territories,” Bassey said.

“It’s criminal for any country that dumps toxic waste in another territory. They know the health consequences.” 

It appears, however, that this menace can only be resolved by the countries producing the waste and the African nations accepting it. 

But the continent and the world  is running out of time to save its environment.

Edited by Keith Walker


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