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Are greenhouse gases or heat island? Which is more to blame?
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Are greenhouse gases or heat island? Which is more to blame?

Scorching heat: The highest temperature ever recorded in Phoenix  122 degrees  was enough to temporarily shut down Sky Harbor International Airport on June 26, 1990.
Scorching heat: The highest temperature ever recorded in Phoenix  122 degrees  was enough to temporarily shut down Sky Harbor International Airport on June 26, 1990.PIN IT

Every story about dramatic survival in a desert environment will include a scene where the main character, who is parched, gleefully spots water from a distance and then arrives to find has disappeared. As the sunanddaytime temperatures continue torise,the protagonist becomes increasingly disoriented andthisalarmingsituationoccurs again and again.

These are more than just a movie scene.Mirages are an optical phenomenon that occurs when the sun heats a surface. This heat then radiates heat into the air above it, creating a temperature difference between the air above the ground and the air below. This contrast causes the light that is heading towards your eyesto refract as it crosses the temperature barrier. This results in a squiggly appearance that looks like water.

The right engine of a Southwest Airlines 737 appears to melt off the wing from the mirage of heat rising from the runway as it lands at Sky Harbor International Airport as the temperature hit 119 degrees, Tuesday, June 20, 2017.

The puddle in distant will not (almost certainly) ever be real. But don’t lose heart. The hazy heat from the desert surface can have serious consequences for people trying to live in mirage-prone environments like Arizona. The Maricopa County Department of Public Health is set to be established in 2021. reported252 heat-related deaths have been reported, 72% of which are outside.

Scientists have known for years that asphalt and concrete paving over desert surfaces increases solar heat absorption, which is then released back into urban air at night. This tendency for urban environments to heat up faster than their natural surroundings is known as the “urban Heat Island” or the “urban heating effect.”

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