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Arizona activists believe there is still time to act to slow climate changes
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Arizona activists believe there is still time to act to slow climate changes

Activists in Arizona say there is time to act to slow climate change



In an Earth Day rally almost resembling a fair, people of all ages gathered at the Arizona Capitol on Saturday afternoon to stress the urgency of the climate crisis and push for equitable action at congressional and local levels.  

“The IPCC was very clear. It said unless we fundamentally change the trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, we are committing to profound and irreversible climate harms by mid-century, 2050,” said Sonja Klinsky, a professor at Arizona State University, referring to Reports from United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. “That gives us eight years, people.” 

Speakers and attendees called on the U.S. Senate to pass the Build Back Better Act that contains $555 billion in funding to address the climate crisis, a measure that has been stalled since last November.  


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