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As the world’s 26th largest emitter, Ohio can make a climate-change difference: John Mitterholzer
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As the world’s 26th largest emitter, Ohio can make a climate-change difference: John Mitterholzer

Smoke stacks rise from behind the coal piles at the Sammis power plant in Stratton Ohio shot Friday Nov. 16, 2001.


Smoke stacks rise from behind the coal piles at the Sammis power plant in Stratton Ohio shot Friday Nov. 16, 2001.

As seen Friday, Nov. 16, 2001. Smoke stacks rise above coal piles at the Sammis co-fired electric power plant in Stratton. Energy Harbor, Akron has announced that the plant’s remaining three units would close in 2028. (AP Photo/Gary Tramontina) The Plain Dealer

CLEVELAND — Ohio was the third largest greenhouse gas emitter in the United States last and the year before. This is based on data from The Rhodium ClimateDeck.

If Ohio were its own country, we would be the 26th largest emitter on Earth, according to my calculations — measuring Ohio’s emissions against country-level emissions on the Global Carbon Atlas.


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