The devastating floods in Queensland and New South Wales highlight, yet again, Australia’s failure to plan for natural disasters. As we’re seeing now in heartbreaking detail, everyday Australians bear the enormous cost of this inaction.
It’s Too soon to sayClimate change may be a factor in the flooding that is currently occurring. We know that such disasters are becoming more frequent as the climate heats up.
Australia, 2019, ranked lastOne of 54 nations has a strategy to deal with climate change.
Australia had the chance to improve its game when it released a new climate resilience plan and adaptation. strategyLate last year. The plan was flawed and did not contain any funding or specific action.
At the time this article was written, the floods were still in effect killed Minimum 21 peopleMany thousands were left homeless in two states. Warnings of more severe rain forced the evacuation of Sydney suburbs.
Governments need to invest immediately in measures that help communities deal with extreme weather events. As we’re seeing right now, Australian lives depend on it.

Jason O’Brien/AAP
Right here, right now
Last week’s report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was Only oneThere are many warnings about the growing risk of natural disasters as global climate change worsens.
The problem is well-known by Australian governments. In fact, the federal government’s new National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy, launched at the Glasgow climate conference in November last year, :
As the climate changes and global temperature rise, Australia will experience more severe and frequent events like extreme weather, fires, floods, and slow-onset phenomena such as changing rainfall patterns or ocean acidification.
The measures it contained were a start – but communities across Australia need much more, right now.
The strategy did not include specific programs or budget commitments. It also did not include specific actions to help urban and rural communities prepare for the effects of climate change.
I have extensive experience in public sector at all levels, including areas such as coastal, regional, and urban planning, and climate change adaptation.
I have also had to experience natural disasters firsthand. In the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires my family lost a much-loved holiday home at Mallacoota in Victoria, which we’d held for four generations. I’ve also worked on the ground helping councils and communities prepare for and recover from disasters.
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The east coast rain seems endless. Where is all the water coming?

Jason O’Brien/AAP
I’m deeply concerned at how badly prepared Australia is for current and future damage from climate change. Australia does not have the basic policies and plans that are required to adapt to climate change.
No national coastal plan is in place for coastal erosion and flooding
No national urban policy is available for climate-resilient growth
There is no national requirement to consider climate change in urban and regional plans.
There is no national program of support for urban and regional communities that can adapt to climate risk.
Australia was Once a leaderin climate adaptation. However, this momentum has been a great help. been lostOver the past decade, the climate wars have played out in federal parliament.
It was also last week. EmergedDespite the worsening flood situation, only a fraction has been spent by the federal government on the A$4.8billion emergency fund.
This does not reassure the public that leaders are focused on helping communities adapt to and recover from natural disasters.

Jason O’Brien/AAP
The plan Australians should have
What can Australia do to prepare for the worse future? Experts from a variety of disciplines and organizations have been asking this question for many years. These are some measures they’ve called for:
1. A national integrated climate action plan
This would be IncludePrograms and funding for state governments, local councils, and industry to help them work with communities to adapt to climate change.
2. A national strategy for coastal management
Coastal communities are especially susceptible to floods, storms, and bushfires. This vulnerability will only increase with climate change. Experts last year These are the requirementsFor a climate change plan that is tailored to these communities. It would include an agency national to coordinate ocean- and coastal governance across all tiers.
3. Read the urban planning legislation and city plan.
Planning experts OthersHave Call forClimate change should be considered when making everyday decisions regarding the built environment. This would make cities and regions more sustainable, healthier, and provide relief from disasters.
These decisions include where to build new housing developments as well as how to invest green buildings and water-sensitive urban design.
We also need to have conversations with communities at-risk, such as those living in floodplains or areas prone to bushfires. This will help us prepare city and town plans to address future risks.
4. More effective collaboration between organizations
Collaboration is crucial between emergency management, climate scientists, land-use planners and land-use planners in order to effectively work together to develop climate-resilient communities plans. To ensure that best-practices are maintained and knowledge is shared, it is important to have better communication.
5. More money for community plans and research
To better understand and map climate risk, governments must finance cutting-edge applied research. Additional funding is required to finance climate-resilient cities and to support vulnerable communities with long-term adaptation plans.
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As with many other disasters in Australia the NSW floods have left Aboriginal people under-resourced and over-represented.

David Moir/AAP
Facing hard facts
Many Australian communities have been through a series of natural disasters, which were then compounded by the COVID pandemic. They are exhausted and deserve better.
Crucially, governments must be prepared to lead on emissions reduction to minimise, as much as we can, damage to Earth’s climate.
However, we must also acknowledge the fact that natural catastrophes in Australia will only get worse. To ensure communities thrive and survive as the climate warms, they will need to get practical, financial help immediately.