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Colombia: Two Germans are arrested with hundreds tarantulas

[ad_1] Colombian authorities confiscated hundreds of spiders that were being smuggled to Germany by smugglers…

Soil — dull and dirty? Think again …

[ad_1] “A nation which destroys its soil, also destroys itself.” Such were the words of…

Mercury in a glass thermometer 
In Kyrgyzstan, mercury mining is making a comeback

[ad_1] North of Aidarken (a Kyrgyzstan town), smokestacks rise above hillsides that are streaked in…

Steel workers in China
A CO2 tax on Europe’s Border: Revolution or Protectionism?

[ad_1] Earlier this year, the European Union announced plans for a  55% reduction in its greenhouse…

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How climate change has an impact on Texas winter weather

[ad_1] Register for The BriefOur daily newsletter, ‘The Texas News Daily’, keeps subscribers informed about…

Sprawling landscape of a lignite mine, with machinery in the middle and wind turbines in the background
Where does wind power make sense

[ad_1] What is the cost of wind power?  Modern wind turbines are more efficient and generate…

Patches of ground surrounded by water
Botswana’s Okavango Delta, a World Heritage Site, is under threat

[ad_1] Five African countries joined hands to defend the Okavango Delta region, a UNESCO World…

Germany’s finance minister has announced billions in climate investment.

[ad_1] Germany’s new Finance Minister Christian Lindner announced a plan on Friday to invest an…

The dry basin rim of Tabqa Dam shows how much the water level of Lake Assad has dropped
Syria’s water crisis is caused by conflict and climate change

[ad_1] The September sun is setting over the old olive grove as Ahmad Mahmoud Alahri…

A woman looks at a rack of clothes in a secondhand department store
Cool or cheap Christmas gifts? Environment

[ad_1] It is a grey, rainy December afternoon in Cologne. The shop windows at the…