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Robert Benzie
Fiscal watchdog warns that climate change will cause billions of dollars in damage to Ontario

[ad_1] Climate change will mean billions of dollars in additional annual infrastructure costs for future…

Global Warming and Stock Market Reflect Wealth Inequality: Report
Global Warming and Stock Market Reflect Wealth inequality: Report

[ad_1] The World Inequality Report showed that the most carbon-emitting people in the world are…

Scott Morrison and Angus Taylor
This tiny, emerging technology could solve the carbon capture and storage problem.

[ad_1] Carbon capture and Storage (CCS), has been cited repeatedly as one of Australia’s most…

An photograph of microscopic ocean plants, or phytoplankton
Beware of the Blob Ocean heatwaves could threaten microbes that counter global warming

[ad_1] Phytoplankton plays a critical role in sequestering carbon from the ocean, which could be…

Ubiquitous Energy Leadership Recognized For Solar Energy Innovation As World Responds To Urgent Climate Crisis

[ad_1] REDWOOD CITY (Calif .–()BUSINESS WIRE)–Ubiquitous Energy, the world leader in transparent solar technology —…

Canada’s Government Announces $200M for Climate Change Solutions

[ad_1] OTTAWA (ON), Dec. 7, 2021/CNW/ – The current climate and ecological crisis in the…

Wind turbines in a field
All new oil and gas fields should be banned

[ad_1] As a professor of gephysics, I have spent 36+ years teaching young geologists how…

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Climate Crisis Committee report urges study of city’s stormwater systems

[ad_1] BELFAST — After severe storms in other parts of the country caused major flooding…

A man in a hardhat stands under three large solar panels
In the fight against climate change, China is doing more than you think – but still not enough

[ad_1] China is the most important nation when it comes to climate change. China is…

A map of the world shows parts of South America, Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and the southern U.S. in red, and nothern latitudes in shades of green.
Fleeing global warming? ‘Climate havens’ aren’t ready for you yet.

[ad_1] Forget about the warm ocean breeze and palm trees. The Upper Midwest could soon…