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Equilibrium/Sustainability — Presented by Southern Company — Climate crisis driving child marriages: report
Climate crisis must be addressed by lawmakers who value the votes and opinions of sportsmen.

[ad_1] If you’ve been paying attention recently, you may have noticed that the fossil fuel…

Arctic precipitation will shift from snow-dominated to rain earlier than expected

[ad_1] According to the Arctic Climate Crisis Report, the Arctic will see more rain than…

The climate crisis is frightening – what can we tell our children about it?

[ad_1] (Photo: Shutterstock) The Wildlife Trusts’  guides help children learn how nature can help tackle…

illustration of space satellite in the sky visible through trees
Is space the answer for the climate crisis?

[ad_1] The COP26 summit raised the climate change issue to the top of the global…

The Worst Toxic Waste You’ve Probably Never Heard of – Mother Jones
The Worst Toxic Waste You’ve Probably Never Heard of – Mother Jones

[ad_1] Plastic pellets can be found on the beach.Getty Images Fight disinformation. Get a daily…

Study finds that tropical cyclones could have twice the destructive power in Asia by the end century.

[ad_1] Researchers used data from almost four decades, from 1979 to 2016, to find that…

Israeli agtech companies take on worst-case climate crisis forecasts
Israeli agtech firms take on the worst-case climate crisis forecasts

[ad_1] Israeli agtech (agricultural technology) innovators are coming up with new ways to improve and…

Is your attitude to the climate crisis down to genetics? – Palatinate
Is your attitude to climate change down to genetics or is it a result of genetics? – Palatinate

[ad_1] By Eve Kirman When looking at the similarities and differences between individuals, scientists can…

Nyanyang Tong, 39, on her way to the Action Against Hunger centre with her one-year-old son, Mamuch Gatkuoth, in Paguir.
The rising cost of the climate crisis in flooded South Sudan – in pictures | Global development

[ad_1] Families in desperate situations in flood-ravaged communities South SudanAfter another summer of heavy rainfall,…

Employees on production line
Climate crisis| Climate crisis

[ad_1] TThe greatest threat to civilisation is the climate emergency. The good news is that…