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Will the climate crisis force America to reconsider nuclear power?
Will the climate crisis force America into rethinking nuclear power?

[ad_1] THE DIABLO CANNYONThe nuclear power plant is located about 200 miles north from Los…

Graphic illustration depicting the earth within a glass greenhouse (centered) with the words "Climate Column" over the top and two pieces of greenery to the left and right.
Let’s have kids amid a climate crisis – The Rocky Mountain Collegian

[ad_1] The Collegian)| The Collegian) Editor’s Note:All opinion section content is solely the views of…

hydrogen digger
Climate News| Climate News

[ad_1] Transport is responsible for about 25% of the world’s carbon emissions. This is mainly…

Jarvis Cocker
Jarvis Cocker & Riton release climate crisis anthology

[ad_1] And Finally Artist News Releases ByPublished on Thursday, November 11, 2021Andy Malt | Published…

How football can improve the climate crisis
How football can help the climate crisis

[ad_1] COP26 took places from 31st Oct to 12th Nov this yearEden Keily-Thurstain The opening…

Paul Hawken on Helping Our Planet Heal Itself & Ending the Climate Crisis
Paul Hawken on Helping Our Planet Heal Itself & Ending the Climate Crisis

[ad_1] It can be easy to become demoralized, even apocalyptic, about the state of the…

Protest in Glasgow
COP26 leaves too many loopholes open for the fossil fuel sector. Here are five examples.

[ad_1] For the Glasgow climate summit to be judged a success, a key outcome had…

We cannot tackle the climate crisis without the full backing of advertisers
Without the full support of advertisers, we cannot tackle the climate crisis

[ad_1] Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time. It’s a task that calls…

A Luke Air Force Base F-35 Lightning II
OcasioCortez: Climate Crisis Cannot be Solved Without Addressing US Military Emissions

[ad_1] U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez decried Wednesday’s attack on the exclusion of military emissions…

Why Indian women pay a higher price for climate crisis
Why Indian women pay more for climate crisis

[ad_1] The ability of women to withstand climate shocks is much lower than that of…