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BBC bias over climate crisis must end – Yorkshire Post Letters
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BBC bias over climate crisis must end – Yorkshire Post Letters


What do you think about the BBC’s coverage of the climate crisis?

Two articles were written by us about the BBC(The Yorkshire Post December 6th 2006) for the price a one

The contrast was striking. Melvyn Bragg’s, as one would suspect following his long association with the Corporation, was a vaguely concealed tribute outlining some of its superficial faults but failing to go to any effective depth in his analysis.

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What do you think about the BBC’s coverage of the climate crisis?

In contrast, Peter Lilley shows his respect and admiration for the BBC in the quality of much of its output but goes into depth on the Corporation’s cardinal problem – its narrow, liberal metropolitan bias embodied in its unquestioning, institutional woke, self-righteousness.

Lilley sums up perfectly this deep-rooted flaw: “That manifests itself less in what is said than what is not said, the voices not heard, the questions not asked, the issues not addressed.”

It is inherent in the BBC’s work. These sins are often exposed by the BBC’s bias, such as the cancellation of opinions that might be in opposition to the move towards net zero. Critics claim this early target will be very detrimental to the economy, and as a result create severe hardship for ordinary citizens, especially those who are poor.

It seems that the BBC would rather adopt the Greta Thunberg bloc rhetoric than aerate alternative viewpoints.

Peter Lilley explains that such tunnel vision is especially relevant to other controversial issues like EU/Brexit and energy, as well as immigration.

From: Chris Broome South Yorkshire Climate Alliance Hackthorn Road Sheffield.

THE Government’s refusal to make public its analysis of how its climate policies will meet its emissions targets is very worrying, as you recently reported.

It is necessary to identify the true reason for the refusal. If the analysis is based on unrealistic assumptions, it won’t show how the targets can be met, but rather how likely they will be missed.

There is abundant evidence to show that growing “green industries” cannot do anywhere near enough on its own to tackle the climate emergency and yet this forms the bulk of the Government’s approach.

We all need to reduce our collective consumption of energy, materials, and transition to more sustainable living. Unfortunately, this does not fit with our political leaders’ populist but politically cowardly message that “green growth” will solve everything.

Public suspicion about the Government’s real commitment to addressing climate change is justifiably growing. Reacting by hiding the evidence will not work.

From: Thomas W Jefferson. Batty Lane. Howden. Goole.

See Also

JAMES Bovington questions why the US lifted steel import tariffs from the EU, but not from the UK (The Yorkshire Post 8/12/12).

He probably thinks it’s a problem caused by Brexit because the White House is using it as leverage against us until the Northern Ireland Protocol problems are resolved. It is actually President Biden’s fault. He is using it as leverage against us until the Northern Ireland Protocol problems are resolved.

Brexiteers view the EU as unsuitable because it gradually undermines national democracy. Every new treaty signed takes another tranch of “competences” away from domestic electoral oversight and we then have to trust that the unelected EU Commission knows best.

It isn’t even as though that formula has been an economic success, as demonstrated by the fact that the Eurozone has had poor growth and high unemployment since its inception 20 years ago.

Safeguarding our country’s ability to govern itself is a first-order priority because, in the final analysis, it is society’s safety-valve. All other matters can be dealt satisfactorily in that framework, but they are of second-order importance.

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