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BBVA invests 20 Million Dollars in Lowercarbon, a private capital fund specializing on climate change.
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BBVA invests 20 Million Dollars in Lowercarbon, a private capital fund specializing on climate change.

BBVA invests 20 million dollars in Lowercarbon, a private equity fund specializing in climate change


Lowercarbon’sCarbon capture fund invests in companies who develop technologies. Reduce CO2 EmissionsIt will be removed from the atmosphere and help to cool the planet. The fund will accelerate the capture and removal of billions of tonnes of CO2 through innovative technologies that use low-priced renewable energy sources.

“We expect the number of companies offering solutions and new business models to help mitigate global warming to grow significantly in the coming years, and we are going to support them,” explained Javier Rodríguez Soler, HeadOf Global Sustainability at BBVA. 

“BBVA has identified Decarbonization and ‘greenTechnologyTwo of the top priority areas for investment are: Lowercarbon is the right partner to start investing in these areas,” he added.

BBVA aims to assist its customers by doing this. financingNot only by, Investing In companiesThese are driving innovation and revolutionizing the transition.

Lower carbon, with its headquarters in the United States has a Strong Invest portfolio, which is primarily focused on four areas: energy and climate, mobility, and agricultural technology. Some of these companies have achieved success. Unicorn StatusThey are valued at over $1 billion, such as Solugen and Commonwealth Fusion Systems. This fund is managed by a team of experienced venture capital investors, including a leader named Crystal and Chris Sacca were its founders.

“Lowercarbon invests in carbon removal since its inception. Now, with demand multiplying and technology accelerating, we’re doubling down. Having BBVA, one of the world’s leading financial institutions, invest in this work is a testament to the scale of the opportunity”, said Chris Sacca, co-founder and managing partner of Lowercarbon Capital.

Sectors that offer the greatest sustainability opportunities for BBVA

Climate ChangeThe biggest disruption to the economy is currently occurring today, however BBVAIt is also a huge opportunity. opportunity. This challenge requires great innovation and a lot of capital to finance. By 2050, it is estimated that a global investment of $275 trillion, or more than 8% of global GDP over the next 30 years, will be needed to decarbonize the economy¹.

In many cases, however, the TechnologiesCompanies are working very hard to address climate change. embryonic Stage.

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This has led to both financial institutions as well as the Venture capitalIndustry to invest in climate-related projects

According to data from The International Energy Agency33 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent (a unit that equates to all greenhouse gasses) were emitted. The CO2 concentrations are now at 420 parts per Million, whereas they were below 320 parts/million in 1960.

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