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Be responsible stewards of the environment this Christmas Bishop Ongtioco – Manila Bulletin
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Be responsible stewards of the environment this Christmas Bishop Ongtioco – Manila Bulletin

Be responsible stewards of the environment this Christmas Bishop Ongtioco – Manila Bulletin

This Christmas, be responsible stewards for the environment.

Cubao Bishop Honesto F. Ongtioco called on the faithful this Christmas to be responsible stewards.

Bishop Honesto Ongtioco (CBCP image)

Christmas is about Christ’s birth who has given to man His creations. The Church leader stated that mankind must be stewards for God’s creations and take care of the environment for the next generation.

“This Christmas, let us think of how we can better take care of our environment and show respect for Gods creations. Over Radio Veritas, Bishop Ongtioco stated that we should strive to enhance and nurture nature and the environment.

The Church leader stressed the fact that abuses to the environment have caused destructive calamities that have claimed many lives and destroyed property, such as Typhoon Odette which severely affected several areas of Mindanao and Visayas.

“We have not been taking good care of our environment. Illegal and destructive mining, illegal logging, and deforestation are all rampant and widespread. It is an urgent call for us all to care for our environment and be good stewards for God’s creations, said Bishop Ongtioco.

“May love, unity and charity prevail this Christmas as we help each other recover from lifes difficulties and trials, the prelate said.





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