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Chevron seeks to obtain environmental certification for its North American production
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Chevron seeks to obtain environmental certification for its North American production

February 23, 2009 (Reuters) – Chevron Corp. (CVX.N.) announced Wednesday that it would start a pilot project to obtain certification for the environmental performance in its North American upstream region.

The oil major stated that it would work with Project Canary, a Denver-based data company that tracks environmental and social governance (ESG scores) of energy companies.

The process is expected to begin in half of the year, according to the two companies.

Chevron, which was under increasing investor and government pressure, set October’s target to reduce its operational emissions to zero by 2050. Continue reading

U.S. producers of gas hope that climate-conscious utilities, as well as gas exporters, will pay a premium to purchase what they call “greener” gas. This gas has been certified as being from low-emission operations and renewable sources like landfills.

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Reporting by Ruhi Soni in Bengaluru; Editing by Maju Samuel

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