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Climate change a reality in Florida – The Famuan
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Climate change a reality in Florida – The Famuan

Climate change a reality in Florida – The Famuan


As sea level rises, Miami Beach could soon be submerged. Photo courtesy of

Climate change and global warming have been a prominent issue that has a significant impact on our infrastructure, flora and fauna, and people. Florida is one of the states that has seen such dramatic changes in weather patterns. During the past week, it was recorded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, that there have been abnormally dry conditions in the Tampa Bay region even though Florida’s weather is typically more humid than dry. The lack of rainfall in Central Florida has direct ties to La Niña, a period in which global weather patterns are subject to extensive change.

However, rising sea levels and bleaching coral beaches in South Florida are alarming signs. According to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report on Climate Change, Floridians may have to retreat further inland due to the rapid rise in sea levels. Miami-Dade County has made efforts to install stormwater pumps and raise roads and buildings to address sea level rises, but this hasn’t turned out to be the ideal solution as it has raised property values in the county.

Not only are sea levels rising but they’re also increasing in  temperature. Experts say coral reefs are suffering and could see a $55 billion drop in tourism to Florida’s reefs by 2100. Additionally, red tide algae blooms have led to the loss of sea life, and an inability to enjoy Florida’s beaches, along with other massive economic losses.

Global warming can be controlled by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A  complete elimination of burning fossil fuels could lessen the impact global warming has on climate change around the world. According to petroleum, coal, and natural gas are the main fossil fuels. The burning of these fossil fuels contributes directly to air pollution and the heating of the planet in the atmosphere and water pollution by means of ocean acidification, disrupting the ocean’s basic chemistry.

However, only lowering greenhouse gas emissions will not entirely get rid of global warming and climate change, according to Michael Abazinge, a professor in FAMU’s School of the Environment.

“There are some inventions in the works such as a TV running on radio waves as well as recycling more and using biodegradable materials,” Abazinge said. “Everything starts with us first … our commitment to changing some things in place, could really go a long way.”

The world’s transition from burning fossil fuels to using renewable energy like wind and solar, may be cheaper alternatives and promote a cleaner, more efficient environment. It will also create 10x more jobs than oil-and-gas drilling or coal mining.

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The rise in gasoline prices across America could lead to people looking for other means of transportation and, unintentionally, lowering greenhouse gas emissions. This is a bold but sensible prediction. For example, it is possible for more people to switch from a gasoline-powered vehicle to an electric or hybrid car.

Time, along with initiatives, laws and responses from government officials and top scientists, will be the ultimate tell-tale sign in determining the planet’s sustainability.


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