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Climate Changes Your Everyday Life — Here Are 5 Ways
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Climate Changes Your Everyday Life — Here Are 5 Ways

Climate Changes Your Everyday Life — Here Are 5 Ways


Yonit Friedman

Many of us are blessed to have not been affected by the climate crises that dominate the news, such as hurricanes and wildfires. Climate change has a profound impact on our daily lives, both in large and small ways. As we continue organizing for a livable future, everyday climate impacts can remind us what we’re working for.

Here are five ways climate changes affect us every day:

Shifting Seasons will Cause
Headaches for Allergy Sufferers

Ahhhh-choo! Have you noticed that you’ve been sneezing more? You’re not imagining things–allergy season has gotten longer, and many people are reporting worse symptoms. Climate change: that spring is starting earlier and that there’s more pollen in the air. This can be more than an inconvenience for some people and could seriously affect their health. As an example, asthma rates are higher for those who live in areas with more pollution. The United States’ racist past and present means that historically Redlined neighbourhoodsYou now have lower air quality

The Climate Change is Signaling
Utility bills through the roof

It’s quite simple: Hotter summers lead to more people using air conditioning, which in turn raises utility bills and temperatures. But it gets worse. These prices plunge people into debt. companies can shut off customers’ utilities. Over the past few decades, utilities have shut off heat in winter storms and water during pandemics. These times can be particularly dangerous for low-income Americans, who may not have the luxury of having access to warm water or hand washing.

Climate Disruptions Are
Supply Chain disruptions

Are you finding shopping more difficult? If you’re having a hard time finding products that used to be commonplace, climate change might be to blame. Transportation infrastructure is vulnerableClimate change is causing disruptions due to storms, fires, and other extreme weather events. This can lead to empty shelves and longer delivery waits, even after the news has moved on. These delays can be dangerous for those who depend on the delivery of essentials (think medicines or baby formula). Workers who keep the supply chains moving are often forced to work under extreme conditions during climate crises. Both workers and consumers are at risk from climate change.

Higher Temperatures
More Pandemics are Possible

We’ve entered into the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic. They’ve been exhausting, stressful, infuriating, and grief-filled years, and we’re ready for COVID-19 to be over. Climate change is linked to a higher chance of new viral pandemics. What’s behind this connection? As temperatures rise animals migrate, sometimes bringing them closer to people. This, in turn makes it easier to control the environment. increases the likelihood of a “viral jump,”When a pathogen spreads from one species of animal to another. Viral risks associated places such as wildlife markets could increase, putting more people in danger. To prevent more pandemic-induced misery, it is important to combat climate change.

See Also

Climate Change Will Lower Birth Rates

This one goes out to everyone who’s hoping for grandchildren one day. Many millennials and zoomers Cite the climate crisisThis is one reason why some people might have fewer or more children. To be clear, everyone should be able to choose whether or not they want children. It’s also true that Everyone should have the rightTo raise their children in safe environments. Climate change directly violates this right. We must continue fighting against climate change to ensure that future generations live and prosper on this planet.

These everyday events might not be as significant as massive hurricanes and wildfires. However, they all cause ongoing and corrosive damage to people’s lives. We all deserve the opportunity to build safe, fulfilling lives, without paying the price of fossil fuel corporations’ destructive practices.

Our loved ones must be able to see the stakes.


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