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Conflict and Climate Change: Is This the New Normal?| Conflict and Climate Change: Is This the New Normal?
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Conflict and Climate Change: Is This the New Normal?| Conflict and Climate Change: Is This the New Normal?

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The egregious circumstances that Vladimir Putin has inflicted upon the Ukrainian people has offered another opportunity for humanity’s to change their course. Gazprom, the fossil fuel giant that provides energy, finances the man. 36% of his budget, and the world clearly needs to end its dependence on petro state authoritarians, including  Saudi Arabia, who are waging a war against Yemen with U.S. oil dollars and western weapons. The reaction to the Ukraine crisis has been to plan to increase production elsewhere to fill the gap from Gazprom. However, we all know that the truth is a Rapid transitionRenewables.

The most recent IPCC reportIt explains the consequences of failing to make this rapid transition for our children’s futures. This is the final report, which will be published as soon as we have time to act. These are just a few of the key take-aways from this report.

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Already, we have seen a glimpse into the future through a global pandemic that was caused by our indifference towards the natural world. Now, could war be a warning sign. It is shocking to see that what Putin is doing in Ukraine compares to what he, and other leaders, are doing to the planet. It was described by Antonio Guterres, U.N. Secretary-General. “Atlas human suffering”States and countries

“The facts are undisputed. This is a crime. Arson of our sole home is committed by the world’s largest polluters.”

Concerned about Ukraine’s situation, both countries have access to affordable food and water. What happens when water is scarce and food prices rise? This question can be answered by looking back at our past.

2014: Chuck Hagel, Secretary of Defense, :

“Climate change is a “threat multiplier”…because it has the potential to exacerbate many of the challenges we already confront today—from infectious disease to armed insurgencies—and to produce new challenges in the future.”

He continued to stress that the loss of glaciers would impact water supplies, hurricanes would increase instability, drought and crop failure would lead to mass migration. Additionally, the Caribbean Sea’s coastline of 3,100 km will disappear by 2064. The government of America seems to be well aware of the impact climate change will have on national security, even though they are increasing. domestic fossil fuel production.

If corporations continue to feed our “democracies” with fossil fuels, and animal flesh, the Ukraine crisis could be a problem at all our borders.

Seventeen military retired officers also contributed to this book. Let me knowRex Tillerson, the then Secretary of States, advised them to keep fighting climate change. This was partly because 128 U.S. military base would be under threat from 91cm of sea-level rise. These bases are worth $100 million. They wrote:

“Climate change poses strategically important risks to U.S. security, directly impacting on our critical infrastructure and increasing the risk of humanitarian disasters and state failure, as well as conflict.”

The United States military is not the only one that believes climate change poses a threat to national safety. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres of the United Nations also believes this. BewareAccording to military strategists all over the globe, climate change is a threat for global peace and security.

There is evidence to suggest that the warming climate has already contributed to conflict. Civil war is a result of the warming climate. SyriaFollowing a severe drought in the Fertile Crescent of Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. 1.5 million Syrians moved to the suburbs to escape the already overcrowded cities. Livestock died, food prices rose, and their children became sickened. This occurred at the same moment that many refugees arrived in Syria after the war in Iraq. Scientists said it was unlikely that the weather conditions we experienced without the warming climate. These conditions led to civil unrest and high unemployment.

Further back, the U.N. declared the conflict in Darfur the opening salvo in 2007, further proving its point. Climate-induced wars. The conflict began in 2003. It was initially thought that it was a regional rebellion. But the UN Environment Programme’s (UNEP) study shows that the real cause was failing rains, and creeping desertification. Tensions between farmers, herders, and environmental degradation led to a changing climate and tensions over shrinking land as the Sahara encroached on more than a mile each. The war between North Sudanese and South Sudan was also fueled by a 30% drop in rainfall over forty years. Crop yields are expected to fall by as much 70% in the Sahel. It is difficult to imagine major disturbances in Sudan or Africa as a result of the desert moving south, decreasing rainfall, and crops failing in the Sahel. Research has shown that there is actually research in NatureIt is estimated that there will be an increase of 54% in civil wars in Africa by 2030. Research from the past 50 years has shown a link between the fall and rise of the climate and the possibility of civil war in Africa. Romeand rising temperatures or an alteration of rainfall. ResearchNature even claims that there is a connection between climate change over the past 12,000 year and violent conflict. This covers all of human history from the agricultural revolution.

Conflict is more likely than not if we all undergo a profound shift in consciousness and begin to show love and compassion to our evolutionary brothers, sisters, and cousins. In fact, conflict is more likely than ever. Research in Nature found that a temperature increase of around 3°C (5.4°F) in any month increased the chance of violent conflict by 14%.

Climate wars are not limited to Africa. They will also affect the destinations where African climate refugees are able escape. Climate-related violence will likely be a major issue in Central Asia, South Asia, Central America, and Central America. This will likely cause mass migration on a scale not seen before, which in turn will increase xenophobia as well as conflict.

Water will become the blue gold for the future. The threat of water wars will increase as supplies decrease rapidly and demand is expected to outstrip supply by 2030. The United States Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations issued this statement in 2011. Report“Avoiding water Wars” is their motto. The report expresses concern for the Central Asian region (Afghanistan, Pakistan Tajikistan Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and India). They believe that governments must be able to provide water to their citizens in order to maintain political, economic, and social stability.

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Chris Arsenault in 2012. predictedNorth and South Yemen would be the next water conflict. Although the actors might be different, it is believed that water scarcity was part of the civil war that broke out in Yemen in 2014. Climate change and water mismanagement both contributed to this water scarcity.

Due to its extreme heat and lack of water, the Middle East is particularly at risk. 18 of the 30 nations that are expected to be affected by water scarcity in 2025 will be found in the Middle-East or North Africa. Water wars are not uncommon in the region. At least two wars of modern history have been attributed to water. Adel Darwish explains in Water Wars: Future Conflicts in the Middle East that grazing rights along the River Senegal resulted in a war in 1989 between Senegal (now Mauritiania) and Senegal. He also mentions that Syria and Iraq fought small skirmishes about the Euphrates River. The boldest claim of the writer is that he heard Ariel Sharon, the former Israeli Prime Minster. Say itAccording to official records, the 1967 war against Arabs was declared over.

Many of the major rivers that flow to the ocean pass through multiple countries. Countries upstream may decide to divert water to areas in the inland, leaving countries downstream with fewer supplies due to decreasing supplies. These situations could increase tensions, particularly in areas with low water and food availability.

More than 780 million people are already affected by a lack in clean water. This is why the climate crisis we are seeing will only get worse. The UN will be able to provide clean water for all by 2030. predictsNearly half (47%) will experience water stress. When there is no water, people will go out and find it. This is a common survival instinct. It is likely that the future wars will be fought over blue and not black gold.

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It is obvious that climate change will cause war to increase exponentially. There is still time to act, but the window is closing quickly. The latest climate science says that if emissions must be halted, then within Five yearsWarming will reach its peak. We know what to do. It’s all in the book. Project Drawdown. We know that our leaders have this information. We have seen them with it. They are unfortunately compromisedBy the corporate megamachine that demands endless growth when sanity is screaming for the opposite. We must demand action.

Sting sang, at the height of the cold conflict, that he hoped the Russians would love his children. Today, the Ukrainians have shown their love by standing up to Russia’s military might. If corporations continue to feed our “democracies”, on fossil fuels and animal flesh, the Ukraine situation could reach all our borders. Isn’t a time when we showed our love for our children and stood up to corrupt leaders and corporate backers who are threatening our lives with their greedy egos? Extinction Rebellion and other activists have laid out a rational path. The sooner we realize that we have no better chance, the more our children will be able to love us back.


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