Diana Grima, Deputy City Councillor
The Emufoot Grassland, which lies on the banks of Skeleton Creek, is one of my favourite spots in the city. I have been proud to participate in efforts to conserve it for many years as a passionate friend of Friends of Skeleton Creek.
Friends of Skeleton Creek volunteers have brought back many endangered and rare species of plant life to the Grassland.
I want to give special thanks to the group’s service and their dedication to caring for the area. You are invited to join their next maintenance event on 24 April, from 1pm – 3pm.
Hobsons Bay Wetlands Centre Inc. will host a public open-day on Saturday, 7 May to present plans for a regional wellbeing centre at HD Graham Reserve, near the RAMSAR-listed Cheetham Wetlands.
The centre would be a place where locals and tourists could connect with nature, improve their health and wellbeing, and be inspired to take care of our precious natural environment.
Council is partnering with Hobsons Bay Wildlife Centre Inc. to raise funds from the federal and state governments for this important project, which could unlock the region’s eco-tourism potential. Visit hobsonsbaywetlandscentre.org.auFor more information.
Being a councillor has one of my favorite things. I get to meet so many people who make up the fabric of our amazing community.
I enjoyed my time at Altona Green Fete this month and would like a special shout-out to the Altona Green Primary school staff and families for putting together such a wonderful celebration.
The Coffee with a Councillor program, which was just launched, aims to provide residents with a way to meet with councillors and ask questions about key projects or areas of concern.
Matt Tyler, my fellow Wetlands Ward councillor, will be hosting coffee at Homestead Run on Saturday 7 May in Seabrook. I look forward very much to my turn later in this year.