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Corpus Christi doesn’t seem to be immune from the global climate crisis
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Corpus Christi doesn’t seem to be immune from the global climate crisis

Cars slowly drive on the South Padre Island Drive feeder road after the highway was closed do to ice after a freezing rain and below freezing temperatures on Monday, Feb. 15, 2021.


Recently we’ve heard references to telltale signs of a warming planet affecting different parts of the world or the projections of a neglected climate. Climate change is a growing topic of focus in the media, where professionals draw the connections between extreme weather patterns, increased population migrations, sea level rise and animal extinctions as a result of the increase of CO2 in our atmosphere.

Cars slowly drive on the South Padre Island Drive feeder road after the highway was closed do to ice after a freezing rain and below freezing temperatures on Monday, Feb. 15, 2021.PIN IT

According to the United Nations, a disastrous event like the Australian wildfires in 2021, that burned 8.4 million hectares of land, is a direct result of extreme drought and intense heat. For context, one hectare is equivalent to 2.47 acres, so the amount of land burned in Australia comes to be around 20.7 million acres. In Texas we love our football so it’s only appropriate to compare that to just about 16 million football fields. It’s estimated that along with dozens of people killed during the weeks-long event, BILLIONS of animals were lost in the process.


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