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Could an Arizona amendment that protects environmental rights be passed?
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Could an Arizona amendment that protects environmental rights be passed?

Signs posted at Oak Flat campground protest the possibility of the federal government clearing the way for a copper mine on the land held sacred by the Apache and other Arizona tribes near Oak Flat.
Signs posted at Oak Flat campground protest the possibility of the federal government clearing the way for a copper mine on the land held sacred by the Apache and other Arizona tribes near Oak Flat.PIN IT

Arizona state Sen. Juan Mendezwaswritingabillto strengthen water protections in Arizona when helearned about anemerginglegal idea that he now believes could provide even stronger and broader protections for the environment.

The idea camefrom Maya van Rossum, a lawyer and environmental activistwhose organization successfullybrought down a pro-fracking lawin 2013 usingaseldom usedenvironmental rights amendment inPennsylvaniasconstitution. The state’s bill contains an amendment that states that people have a rightto clean air, water, and preservation of the environment.

Since then, van Rossum has been urging other states to adopt similar amendments.

NowMendezwantstoamend Arizona’s constitution to recognize the rights to a clean, healthy environment. The amendment is three sentences long and would effectively make environmental rights equal to free speech, freedom religion, gun rights, and other rights in the state.

Juan Mendez is a state senator from Tempe.

Mendez (D-Tempe) believes that a green amend could address a number of ongoing problems, including the Hot buttonsituation in Oak FlatThe proposed copper mine in the area has sparked environmental and Indigenous activists.

The right to a healthy environment isa conceptsomegovernment bodies across the world have beenconsideringrecently.

In October, a month before theclimate conference in Glasgow, the United Nations Human RightsCouncilrecognized the Human right to a clean, sustainable, and healthy environment environment.About amonth later, New York ratified an amendment to its state constitution, recognizing the right to ahealthyenvironmentin the bill of rights.

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