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Do’s and Don’ts of Test Environment Management
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Do’s and Don’ts of Test Environment Management

Software development, testing, deployment, and maintenance all require test environments. A test environment can be described as a copy of the production environment. This allows development teams and customers to perform tests without having to impact production data or real customers. This article will share the dos and don’ts of test environment management with you.


1. Establish and maintain a network

Different network configurations might be used in test environments as opposed to production. It is important to set up and maintain a network for such environments. For example, if tests were performed on a Read-Only Domain Controller RODC, they should be done with a properly configured RODC Server to avoid any issues during testing.

2. Create test directories and files

Every company has its own directory structure. It is important to copy the production directory structure in your test environment. This will make it easier to locate files and information when you need them.

3. Create a database environment using the right schema

Drivers used during software testing should be properly set up in SQL Server so that you don’t need to install any additional software like ODBC drivers for each test (as this will complicate the process).

4. Configure the right configuration management system (SCM)

SCM is an important tool in managing test environments. It can help track changes in the environment. This will make managing changes easier. This allows you to track your test results and undo any changes that are necessary. During data migrationSCM can also track all changes.

5. Install the right log analysis software

A good log analysis tool is essential to track and analyze all types of data generated in a test environment. This will give you a better view of the test, help you identify problems quicker and make it easier to fix them before they go into production.

6. Make sure to update driver and software packages according the the most recent release schedule

Software vendors frequently release updates or components for testing purposes. You need to keep up with these releases and update your products as soon as possible.

7. Before you perform the tests, ensure that the tools are licensed and properly installed

It is your responsibility to ensure that all tools used in testing are licensed and properly installed in your environment. You could be penalized or even stopped by the tools, which can cause major problems when you are deploying new code to production.

8. Follow the test plan to complete the tests

It is important to follow the test plan, and perform all required tests for each component of software or hardware. This will make it easier to identify issues faster and allow support teams to resolve issues earlier.


1. Don’t change anything in the infrastructure while software testing is in progress

Software testing is about finding bugs and issues. It is therefore not a good idea for production environments to be tested with infrastructure changes. These items can prevent you from finding the problem or lead to many issues later in production.

2. Don’t test more than one environment at a time in parallel

This will make it difficult to quickly converge any issues. It is possible to test multiple environments simultaneously, which can make it difficult for support teams and make it more difficult to resolve any issues that may arise.

3. Don’t test more than one system at a time

It is important to only test one system at a given time. This will allow you to identify potential problems quicker and help support teams resolve them faster if they arise. You won’t create additional problems later.

4. Don’t forget to test software with different versions of the same software product

It is important to test software with different versions. This will help you identify problems that could arise from incompatibility of different versions. You can find such issues by comparing SQL Server 2008 R2 with 2012, for example.

5. Don’t forget to test software with the latest version of the same product

As mentioned above, it is important that software be tested with different versions of the exact same product. It is important to test software with the latest version of the product. This will allow you to identify potential issues in older versions.

6. Don’t test with or without a specific feature

It is important to test the software with or without the required features. This will help you identify problems in different versions of the software as well as any new issues that arise from new features.

Test environment management is an important aspect in software development and testing. This will help reduce production issues, speed up problem resolution and allow you to deliver high-quality software faster to the market.

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