Here we are celebrating Earth Day again, with many activities, volunteering, and other events to remind us of the importance and responsibility that we have to protect the planet for our children, and future generations.
Earth Day is for all the federal, county, state, and city environmental workers. It’s also for many volunteers and umbrella groups. This means energy conservation, recycling whenever possible, being mindful of pollution, and trying to be dedicated stewards for the environment.
The Florida Panhandle has a strong foundation of people who are committed to environmental stewardship. Our local environment is improving thanks to their efforts. Their efforts also benefit the planet.
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Since environmental pollution and other problems have no borders, it is wonderful to see the federal Environmental Protection Agency and National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), working together with state and municipal governments to tackle remediation issues and promote civic education on the environment. It is a great honor that Pensacola has the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), a respected global organization of environmental scientists from government, academia, and business.
The Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA), which brings together all three levels of government, individual experts, and volunteer organizations from Florida and Texas, addresses the urgent issues facing our Gulf of Mexico. It includes habitat resilience, data and monitoring, education, and other challenges.
The eight USEPA Superfund problem locations in our areas have been analyzed. Remediation efforts are ongoing, with some cases being resolved.
The number of local organizations involved in the environment is impressive. The major building block of local collaboration is the USEPA-funded Pensacola and Perdido Bay Estuary Program (, a $2 million program similar to programs established to address estuary/sea coast challenges in Mobile Bay and Tampa Bay and around the country. This program is gaining momentum with active scientific and education outreach activities as well as business engagement activities. The program also offers grants for community projects.
Participation in the USEPA Trash Free Waters national program has had a clear positive impact on local watershed pollution problems, particularly Jones and Carpenter Creeks. Volunteer groups such as Emerald Coastkeeper are essential. Another example is Ocean Hours weekly cleanups that attract 20-40 volunteers every weekend and resulted at 38,000 pounds (yes it is 19 tons) in trash and debris collected in 2021.
There are many education and beautification opportunities. Some of the most notable are the NOAA-supported Florida Sea Grant program, WUWFs Eco-Minute. The Bream Fishermen Association and mobile water quality lab, Earth Ethics seminars & programs, Surfrider Foundation. Gulf Restoration Network. Trees of Escambia County.
The wise environmental theme, Think globally, Act locally sums it all.
This idea is powerful but limited. Local actions are a necessary, but not sufficient condition to combat climate change. Higher levels of government and the private sectors need to do more. Healthy Gulf, 350 Pensacola, and other groups are part of a well-informed and committed community. We are still behind the curve due to the state government disarray caused by our governors’ calculated politicization and disregard for the problem in the face a convincing and stronger scientific consensus.
Rising sea levels are a threat to coast tourism. One can see parts of the Gulf Islands National Seashore being flooded by the sea in the future. The scenarios are varied, but a quick glance at the NOAA sea-level scenario mapping tool ( The point is made easier by the (). Imagine our brand-new Chappie James bridge leading nowhere. While the year 2100 may seem distant today, it will eventually arrive and today’s toddlers will be subject to the reckoning in retirement. Let’s work together as a state-wide group to tackle this problem now.
Earth Day is something you have to love every year!
Mike Mozur, a former U.S. State Department Senior foreign Service officer and an environmental executive, lives in Pensacola.