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Ecologists raise alarm over ideas “unfriendly to the environment”
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Ecologists raise alarm over ideas “unfriendly to the environment”

Resonance Costa Rica

The Costa Rican presidential candidate Do not propose concrete solutions to the major environmental problemsIt is also possible to do activities like trawling or mining, or oil exploitation.

Several environmental organizations have raised concerns about the presidential candidate’s proposals during the final stretch. It is possible that, depending on who wins Sunday’s election, mining could be promoted in Costa Rica. This includes exploration and exploitation for gas and oil. Issues.

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A campaign under the label is a great way to do this. #ecocidasIt circulated on social media with the intention of warning voters about candidates for the presidency who are allegedly hostile to the environment.

The Escaz Environmentalists are also concerned by the controversial trawling and Agreement, which seeks to make environmental decisions transparent, transparent, and involve civil society.

Vote against Ecocides

Preserve Planet is one of the most active environmental groups participating in this election campaign. It promotes Inconvenient Truths as well as Do Not Vote for Ecocides via its social networks. The objective is to condemn the environmental inconsistencies that some candidates for Presidency.

The campaign states that we won’t tell voters who to vote for. However, we recommend you not vote for people who ignore important issues. In recent months, our task was to analyze government programs. They say we set off the alarms. Luis Diego Marn (regional coordinator for Preserve Planet) said that while we know that some candidates want oil exploration to be activated in the country, we also know that it would negatively impact the environment and the need to migrate towards cleaner energy. Climate Change is a fundamental issue for environmentalists and has not been properly addressed in presidential debates or in government plans.

There is also concern about the lack transparency of candidates. For example, Jos MaraFigueres of Liberacin Nacional is one such candidate. He in interviews and debates with journalists assumes a completely different position to what is in his respective plans of government. One example would be the orderly extraction of gold in Crucitas. However, he has repeatedly denied that possibility in interviews.

However, politicians often only focus on the positive aspects of environmental topics in their government plans, according Mauricio lvarez (representative of the Costa Rican Federation for the Conservation of the Environment). The proposals are also unclear, meaning that applicants will have to deal with the many concerns in this sector.

They tend to put the best in the environmental field, but when one looks at the programs, one sees a lot but no idea how or with whom, lvarez stated.

Escaz Agreement

He also reminded that the issues of protection of water resources and monocultures on farms, as well as agrochemicals, and the Escaz Agreement, have not been addressed in the proposals of some presidential candidates.

Marine conservation

MarViva Foundation believes that most government plans do not provide a comprehensive approach to marine conservation. The presidential candidates are not interested in topics such as shark conservation or trawling.

Protecting marine species is a priority for Costa Rica as a country. The Costa Rican government has not made any real commitments at this point, which will be a problem for the next government. Katherine Arroyo is the MarVivas Advocacy manager.

Plastic pollution

Außerdem fragen sie, ob despite the factplastic pollutionWhile this is a worldwide emergency, the management approach to the proposals remains the same: Always. We see that the general approach to plastic pollution is the same, which doesn’t solve the problem. Comprehensive, innovative, and efficient care is required to address this problem, said Arroyo

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