It’s time for philanthropy, to take up the fight against climate change and animal welfare.
Depending on who you are and where you live in America, you might be surprised to find out that religious causes are the largest category of donors, receiving 28% of donations. Donations of charity made in 2020. Education and human services account for 29% of all philanthropic dollars. These issues are important and more funding would be a good idea. However, it is alarming that environment and animal welfare receive only 3% of all charitable gifts.
Without a living planet, there will be no one left to help. We can no longer afford to treat environmentalism as a fringe issue. We could be seven years away from what climate scientists refer to as the “climate scientist’s consensus”. Point of no returnHumankind is already feeling the effects from a depleted planet. Just take a look at this Extremely cold temperatures can be fatalThis winter, Texans were exposed to it. It is difficult or impossible to obtain warm shelter and clean water in certain parts of the United States. This winter was not possible without drastic measures. get worse.
This is a major problem. American environmentalism was a bipartisan cause for years. This stemmed from a cultural appreciation for America’s natural beauty, expressed in figures like Theodore Roosevelt. It was not until the 1980s when environmental protections were in conflict with the Regan administration’s ideology of extreme. Deregulated capitalismIt became a divisive issue. This needs to be reversed. We must not go back to a time where Americans loved their land primarily for aesthetic reasons. But we must realize that all of us are ultimately on the same side. The effects of climate changes are having a significant impact on marginalized communities. This is why it is imperative to act quickly and decisively. Even those who are only concerned with their own interests, it should be obvious that the situation is dire. This crisis will soon affect everyone on Earth.
We are all affected by climate change. Humans are wreaking a lot of havoc on animals. Consider the fact that 9 billion animals in the United States, including chickens, pigs and cows, are slaughtered annually to provide food. (Not to mention the negative impact that industrial animal agriculture has had on Environmental issuesThese include biodiversity loss, natural resource depletion and deforestation. Over 7 million cats and dogs are in desperate need of homes. 300 million animals are being subjected to cruel experiments in laboratories. Increased funding for charities that deal with these issues could save or greatly improve the lives of many animals.
If you are looking to maximize your philanthropic dollars, there are many charity evaluators available. Giving GreenThe Environmental Charities Evaluation and Recommendation Service evaluates and recommends the most promising environmental charities for their effectiveness in fighting climate change. Animal Charity EvaluatorsWith regard to animal protection organizations. With So few dollars go towards charitable causesIt is important that we allocate them well.
This is a great idea for those of you who have the financial means to give in these difficult times. Giving TuesdayHow to ensure that every cause gets their fair share. This includes protecting the planet and all its inhabitants. It is the foundation of our existence.