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Environment Maine| Environment Maine
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Environment Maine| Environment Maine

Winds of change | Environment Maine

Major milestone in wind power

On March 29, wind power produced more electricity than both the nation’s nuclear and coal plants. The 2,017 gigawatt hours of wind powerThis was enough to make Wind the country’s second-largest electricity producer, surpassing only natural gas (which produced 3,287 gigawatts-hours that day).


According to the U.S. Geological Survey there have been approximately 3,000 wind farms built in the U.S. every year since 2005. More than 70,800 turbines are in operation as of January 2022 (photo credit Shutterstock).

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration seasonal factors played a part in the achievement of the milestone. As fewer people use heat, electricity demand decreases in the spring. In order to anticipate this decline, coal and nuclear plants can reduce their output or schedule routine maintenance. Wind strength usually peaks in spring, however. Last month, however, was the first time that these seasonal factors had pushed wind into second place when it came to powering our country.

America is investing heavily in wind power

America’s wind industry has experienced steady growth over the past decade. America has almost tripled its wind power production since 2011. America has enough wind energy today to power more than a third of the country’s population. 31 Million Homes.


From 2011 to 2020, the U.S. wind power production almost tripled. Source: Renewables on The Rise, Environment America Research and Policy Center

States are leading in the push to increase wind power.

Although wind power usage is a regional phenomenon, it is not only a state-level phenomenon. In recent years, wind power has made huge strides in the Great Lakes Region and along the Pacific coast. Unprecedented offshore lease auctionsThis year promises rapid wind power expansion in Northeast.


The top three states with the highest wind generation between 2011 and 2020 are Texas, Oklahoma, and Iowa (GWH). Source: Renewables on The Rise.

What is driving the increase in wind power?

The growth of wind power is affected by federal and state policies that support offshore development, such as tax credits and renewable portfolio standards.

Furthermore, wind turbine technology is much more advanced than it was ten years ago. Environment America Research & Policy Centers report. Renewables are on the RiseThe average installed windturbine had 42% more power capacity in 2019 than the one in 2010, and the area covered by the average turbines’ rotors doubled over the same period.


Prices will continue to fall as technology improves and adoption increases. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), in a study, found that wind energy’s cost will drop by 50% by 2030 compared to 2017 costs.

Will wind energy grow in the future?

Experts anticipate that there will be continued shifts to wind power over the coming decades. Offshore wind is expected to play a significant role, partly because the Biden administration set the United States’ first ever national offshore wind goal.

The goal is to achieve 30 gigawatts in 2030, enough to meet the demand of more than 10 million American homes for a year, and avoid the creation of 78 million metric tons of CO2 emissions.Goal-setting often leads to action, and offshore wind is no exception. The approval of America’s first two major offshore wind projects in the last year was a landmark. California was the first West Coast state that committed to offshore wind. In addition, the record-breaking bids at coastal lease auctions surpassed those for oil and gas leases.


How can you help America continue its big investment in wind power?

Renewable energy, such as wind power, is crucial at this moment. We need Congress to increase and update tax incentives for clean energy technologies that enable the generation of wind power. This will help us build a sustainable society, and get rid of dangerous, polluting fossil fuels. Click below to join us in asking Congress for more clean energy investments for a brighter future.

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