These topics included precision environmental health, climate change and disaster research.
Rick Woychik, Ph.D. directs NIEHS & the National Toxicology Program. (Image courtesy NIEHS
I would like to begin this column by encouraging Director’s Corner readers to check out my recent conversation with new NIEHS Deputy Director Trevor K. Archer, Ph.D., to learn about what he hopes to accomplish in his new role. Given the importance of this announcement, I decided to highlight our discussion in a feature piece in this month’s issue of Environmental Factor. Dr. Archer’s scientific knowledge, passion for advancing innovative research, and ability to bring colleagues together to achieve ambitious goals will serve our institute and the environmental health sciences community well for years to come.
I thought I would also reflect on the past 12 months of the Director’s Corner. My inaugural piece in January 2021 highlighted my leadership philosophy. It was based on five fundamental goals.
Encourage strong leadership at all levels
Encourage innovation
Encourage collaboration.
Improve communication
Diversification can strengthen the workforce.
Because NIEHS research is multifaceted, it involves everything from toxicology and data science to genetics, and health disparities, I wanted to interview thought leaders and scientists after the first article. My goals were — and still are — to increase the exchange of ideas so that researchers at NIEHS and elsewhere can learn about exciting new initiatives and find opportunities for collaboration.
Below is a rundown of all 12 Director’s Corner Q&As to date. There is likely to be something for everyone with topics like precision environmental health, climate change, environmental justice and climate change. Readers are encouraged to send me suggestions for experts and topics they would like to be highlighted in future columns. Send your ideas to [email protected].
February 2021
March 2021
April 2021
May 2021
June 2021
July 2021
August 2021
September 2021
October 2021
November 2021
December 2021
January 2022
(Rick Woychik Ph.D. directs NIEHS/the National Toxicology Program.